Chapter 6: Or Was It Something More?

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The room was empty, only an old mattress on the floor and a window on the right side, yet, it felt so fulfilling.
Girls would dream of pink rooms, with such decorations from the store, but for Judith, this room was her life.

"Kill me if you want."
He spoke those words with such determination but still left her confused.


What must he be thinking, is death all he knows? She saddened by the thought. They can never be together, would their worlds collide.

"I just can't give you silence," he said, leaving her to feel helpless.

She didn't understand what he meant, not in the instance of the spoken words.

Like a child, she looked at him...

Suddenly she felt his lips on hers. Like cotton candy, no sweeter than any candy!

Firstly, he kissed her gently on her plump lips, making her feel explosions in her stomach. Then wandered with his hands through her body making her delirious. Not aware that he had entered her mouth to taste her. To have her sweetness in a moment stopped in time. Because it was not possible that this was not a dream! 

Her body was like fire, burning with fever. What is this feeling?

His grip was too tight, but she was not bothered, she would die in his grasp if need be.
He turned back from her, but she was not ready, she didn't need air to breathe, she had Felix.
He looked so mesmerizing. What a lovely sight she thought, his face, his stiff muscles. It hurts to look at him, but it's unbearable not to.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't bare your beauty..." he said as her heart stopped and started beating at the same time.

"You..." she tried to speak, in vain. What can she say, what words can she use, hundreds are not enough to describe what she feels.

Both standing in front of each other. Two worlds peaking at one another.
One of life, and the one of death. One surely must prevail.

Uncontrollably she traced her lips with her fingers, trying to preserve his wet taste. The warmth she felt in her stomach. It was all surreal. She hoped she didn't imagine it. It would be a shame.

Felix gazed her intensely as she bit her lips and breathed out so sensually.
Is this a human indeed or a muse sent to haunt his dreams?

Her look was so deep, it drilled to the depths of his soul. As if he was naked, but not because he had no clothes, but a towel, but because of her stare.

He got close to her again, how can he stay away! Locked his lips with hers roughly and fast. As if there would be no other chance to do it.

Her legs shook, and she lost balance. Scared, he took her face in his hands staring in her eyes.

"I don't want to make you do anything that..."

"Just make me yours!" she clutched her fingers on his hands. Her gaze so intense, as if fire was coming from her eyes to burn his cold body.

Taken away by her desire he lifted her up, but she protested.

"This room is perfect!"

He waited no more, he showered her with kisses, trying to hold himself.

He had forgotten how it is to love a human woman. But she made it so easy.

How can you not be gentle with someone so sensual as she was?
How can you not savor every moment, every touch?
How can you not slow time, so you can have her forever?

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