Chapter 9: Should Vampires Dream Of Family?

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Tap. tap. tap. The drops of water were making a sound, hypnotizing her.

She got up right away and the sun was already hurting her eyes. Wasn't it raining just now?

The place looked so strange, and the sounds were missing.
Deaf silence, yes, but something was plotting in the air.
She looked around and suddenly, she was in a garden running. But where?

She turned around and saw the monster chasing her, his eyes red, his teeth sharp.

Her neck - fragile.


He got up. It was only a dream. He glanced at Judith, she was sleeping so charmingly.

His throat was so sore, he even felt pain. But he shouldn't.
He was a vampire. He was immune to diseases.

What can this feeling mean?

He got to the kitchen, he needed to drink water, something to ease the awful feeling.

He sniffed something in the air. It drew him to the front door.
He wished that he never opened it as there was a cup of blood on the porch.


His eyes angered. But also fell weak. He took the cup ready to spill the gruesome contents...

He put the cup next to the sink. Took a deep breath and tilted the cup slowly making the red thick liquid dropping in the sink, drop by drop.

Can one be weak for a moment? Must that moment define him?
He couldn't take it anymore, his body was ready, his mind was getting weaker. In one swift move, the cup was in his shaky hands and he drank it to the last drop.
His eyes were red now, a state of bliss is what he felt. As if he just took air after drowning for so long.

He had forgotten how sweet human blood tastes. And even sweeter if it's directly from the source.


Such thoughts should not come to his mind. He had vowed that he would never drink from a human being. And he had struggled, he had tried his best to forget the first year that he became a vampire.

His first kill, his first desire. As if he was just born into the world when he became a vampire.

He heard a noise so he wiped his mouth and went back to the bedroom, carefully not to wake her up.

"Felix..." her gentle voice was heard.

"Yes, Judith?"

"Where were you just now?" she asked.

"I was at the kitchen, I was thirsty..." he responded, his heart racing - he had made a crime.

He hugged her tightly, scared he might lose her.
She accepted his embrace and got lost within his arms.

She is too sweet he thought. He kissed her forehead, and then he trailed down her neck with kisses.
Her skin lit like fire, and her warmth felt good on his cold body.
Like an ecstasy, he just can't get away from her, from her neck.

Her heart jumped a bit, a natural reaction maybe, as a vampire worships her neck.
He felt her uneasiness, but he didn't bother, he knows he won't hurt her. He just needs to show her.

Slowly he kissed her, going lower than her neck, her collarbone, and her chest. Her stomach was his escape. Such a marvelous place he thought.

Where she is so fragile, but also where she is strong enough to bear children.

Children...... He dreamt of being a father when he was younger. Even like Marcus, but he never dared to venture with his mind there, not after he became the monster that makes the kids scared.

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