Chapter 2: Family is forever, right?

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It was so beautiful. How the flames danced with each other, sending away warm waves. Like a magical party, so alluring one would want to hold their hand out and touch the little flames.

She got closer to the fire, not blinking. She didn't want to miss a single moment of the scene before her.

"Judith," he said, interrupting her thought.

"Where were you?" she turned around to face him.

"I was out, hunting."

"So you would kill others, but not me? Does the family name scare you?" she raised her voice a bit.

"I wasn't out killing others. I merely went hunting some animals."

"Oh..." she looked at him more deeply, "You are all wet..."

"I'll take care of it in less than a minute."

"Right. You must..." she said but he was gone again.

She turned her gaze back to the fire. It was magnificent. The warmth was soothing her. She felt her body feeling well again. After shivering for so long.

"You said something?" he was back again.

"Oh. You are dry again."

"Well, I put different clothes."


"What did you want to say to me?"

"Nothing, just that... Well, I'm still here."

"The rain hasn't stopped."

"But you left me alone, I could've run."

"Where to? It's rainy and dark. Not to mention it is so late, not even the Parmelee cabs are working at this time."

"I still don't understand why I am here...?"

"You needed help, I offered..."

"But why?"

"It seemed the right thing to do."

"Is it cliché if I say that all my life I've been led to believe that vampires are emotionless?"

"No. But it's alright, you can believe what you want."

"My father was killed by one. Maybe even by you."


"Hah," she smiled. "I thought he was hunting tigers and bears when I was little. But then, one day he never returned," she turned around towards the fire, "my mother said a tiger killed him. I was crying for so long. Threw away all my tiger toys. I hated them."

"She didn't want to tell you the truth at such a young age..."

"She wasn't going to tell me even when I was older. She wanted nothing with the family legacy. But uncle was stubborn, and one day he visited me when she wasn't home..."

"Must've been hard accepting the truth that vampires are real."

"It wasn't. He brought a vampire with him. He killed him with the sun... After torturing him so he would heal in front of my eyes."


"Funny thing, I still hate tigers more than vampires," she turned to face him.

"I'm glad."

"Careful, my emotions are all over the place."

"Well," he sat right next to her, "try dealing with emotions as a vampire."

"Are you going to make me one?" she looked him in his eyes.

"Do you want to?" he asked her.

"I don't know what I want," she saddened.

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