Chapter 5: Was it devastation?

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The water was making wonderful noises. She stood there and imagined the routes that the drops of water must be making. Caressing the wonders that she dies to see.

How jealous she was.

Standing there, in his empty guest room, it made Judith think about her situation, and it was all strange to her.

To live alone with a man that is not her husband. What would her mother say?
Probably that she is selfish.

But the more time she was in this house, the less she would think of her mother.

How could she? With Felix by her side, is there anything else she could be thinking about? His green eyes, his brown hair, his soft lips, that she hasn't forgotten. How good they tasted.

At times she would want to throw herself into his arms. But why would she do that? He is a vampire. Has thousands of women for him. Why would she be any different?

And she was indeed selfish, she would rather not have him if she has to share him.

It's not a secret for her anymore, she does like him. And there is nothing she can do about it.

Every day she would think of a hundred reasons why she should leave the house. And only one why she wouldn't.

And she always would conclude that she should stay.

To suffer the attraction she feels, and to enjoy this man that haunts her dreams.

At times she would wonder if her family is looking for her. At least her uncle. He was always keen on keeping the family together. Maybe he hopes to find her all devastated, so he can finally take her in and teach her how to kill vampires. But would she do it? Now what she knows one personally, it's like killing a human ten times better than anyone else.

The water stopped making noises. It made Judith rather nervous.
Maybe she should leave the room and wait for him outside. But there was something deep inside of her that wouldn't let her go.

In an instant, he was out of the bathroom and...

She could finally see the way that the water drops were making, touching his body, his silky skin. Making ways through his muscles that were now shiny from it. It was a marvelous scene in front of her. She couldn't help but trace every drop. Her mouth had opened a little.

"Judith..." he said to her gently but didn't manage to get her out of her trance. It moved something within him. He felt rather vulnerable.

He had one towel in his hand and another one that hugged his upper legs, but not enough, since you could see the V line quite clearly.
He moved his hand and used the towel to wipe himself, which made Judith jump a bit.

"Felix!" she exclaimed, "I..."

"Do you need something?" he smirked.

"I wanted to see if you need something..." she said, trying hard not to focus on his muscles, on his well build hands, his V line... But it was just impossible. How can someone look this good?

He noticed her glare and felt good. Maybe he can use human speed to clothe himself this time.

He started moving closer to her, making her heart race.
He heard her heart and got quite excited.

Maybe a little closer...
He was now dangerously near her, her heart was going wild. Her temperature increasing significantly.

Humans can somewhat control their desires. For vampires? That's close to impossible.
He, yet again, rushed and pinned her to the wall.
This time he didn't hold her neck, but rather her waist.

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