Chapter 8: The Past Is So Heavy On Me

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The wind was blowing gently, spreading the smell of flowers and leaves in the park.

There was a wall made of plum-purple roses that mesmerized everyone, from the most ruthless to the happiest person that walked by.

"They are called Fragrant Plum roses." 

"It's so beautiful!" Judith gazed the rose wall, holding Felix's hand.

"Haven't you been here before?"

"I've known this wall whole my life but I've never admired it so!" she turned around, smiling as the world depended on it.

"I'm glad it makes you so happy."

"But, I don't think it's the wall... I've been feeling so open with you. As if you took my heart and unlocked it," Judith held his arms and got lost into his gaze.

Her words moved him, or maybe his heart unlocked at that moment.

It looks like a dream. And he better not wake up because if he does, that's not a life worth living.

The town that only hurt him, was now giving him the best present.
And how beautiful she was... Her locks tied in with beautiful red ribbon, her gorgeous green dress that hugged her fierce body, and that amazing smile, that complimented her haunting hazel eyes.

But such view was not meant to be enjoyed long, as he suddenly felt a presence.
A set of eyes that were stalking the two lovers. Ne needn't see the intruder, and yet, he was well aware who that can be.

"Is something wrong?" Judith asked him, as he seemed frozen on the spot.

"He is here," he said as he furrowed his eyebrows.


As she said his name, a man appeared in front of them it was indeed Marcus. Wearing a suit, with a striped napkin in his pocket.
He was a lovely sight indeed, like a poisonous flower, made to kill whoever admires it.

"Good day, Judith. What a lovely surprise," he took Judith's hand and gave her a thoughtful kiss with his cherry like lips.

"Surprise? Like the cup you left?!" Felix screamed, holding Judith's hand tightly.

"That was merely a gift..." Marcus smiled nonchalantly, making his cherry colored lips stretch a bit, and his blue eyes to shine as a lover on a date.

"What do you want?" Felix was impatient. How can he not? He was woken up from dream of heavens.

"Oh, I just love to visit the rose wall..." He looked at the wall as if it meat something to him. As if a memory flashed before his eyes. Moment lost in time.

"Or it's a matter of time and you will waltz in and do something I will hate you for!" Felix jutted at Marcus. 

"Felix..." Judith touched his hands and gently, and as a warm breeze in a winter night, she gave him serenity. 

"It's okay... I'm used to" Marcus pouted, "even though, I'm just the person that does what's necessary!" he gave a small shout on the end.

"Your presence obviously makes him mad, why are you so persistent?" Judith said at last.

"I'm just patient. Patiently waiting for the moment that he will need my help desperately," Marcus smirked, his attitude irresistible, but also hard to bare. He was a special kind of monster.

"I've never needed it!" Felix glared at him.

"Never?" Marcus rose an eyebrow, "who was there when you slaughtered the people in the cabin? When your skin burned by the sun?"

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