Chapter 1

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Taeyong sat back on his chair and sighed deeply, he hadn't been on a mission for almost three days now. Yes, three days was enough to make Taeyong feel bored as hell. He wanted to get out there and feel the adrenaline so bad. As for now he was stuck in his room with Fortnite being the only entertaining thing at the moment. He glanced at the clock on the wall, 14:27.

"I should at least go and eat something,"

He went down the stairs and made his way to the kitchen but stopped in his track. He sensed something... someone. This was one of his specialities, sensing someone from afar even if they stood still like a statue. He stood there quietly trying to sense where the person could be.

"I'm right here hot shot!"

He quickly averted his eyes towards the sofa in the living room and his eyes widened. On the sofa was a brown haired girl who was switching the channels on the tv.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?!" He asked her quickly and she let out a chuckle and held up a bobby pin. She then put the remote down on the table, satisfied with the movie she chose.

"You're Lee Taeyong right? The top spy at SM Agency?" She asked while standing up and walking towards him.

"Why do you ask?" Taeyong said and she held out her hand.

"I'm Seulgi, Kang Seulgi. The newly recruited spy at SM Agency."

"Okay, so?"

Seulgi chuckled again while putting her hand down since Taeyong decided not to shake it. She stayed quiet and walked back to the sofa where she had put her Gucci bag. She searched through it and found some files that she threw towards Taeyong which he quickly catched. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked through the files. At the first few pages there were information about Seulgi.. He flipped through them quickly, not really caring about her information. Then he saw files about someone named Park Jimin.

"Okay hot shot, since you missed the call to the meeting with the boss this morning, I'm going to tell you about our mission" Seulgi said, emphasizing 'our'.

"Our mission?" Taeyong asked, "Aren't you just here to tell me about a mission since I missed the meeting?"

"Nope, I'm here to tell you that we both have a mission, together. Junmyeon told me that you prefer to work alone, but it would also be good for you if you were assigned to a mission with a partner." Seulgi replied with a smirk on her face.

"And he chose you to be my partner?"

Seulgi's smirk turned into a frown, "Why do you ask?"

"Come on, I'm a top spy with years of experience, and you're a rookie"

"So? Junmyeon still chose me as your partner"

"If you say so, just let me know when you're tired"

Seulgi let out a sigh "Can I let you know that I don't feel like working with an arrogant person like you?" She thought.

Taeyong put the files on the table and crossed his arms "So who is this Park Jimin?"

"For the past month hundreds of files from different spy agencies across Europe has gotten stolen. Files with information about the agencies' past missions and criminals that they've catched. We suspect that Park Jimin is trying to get in contact with those criminals, get them out of jail and recruit them to his crew, we also know that Park Jimin has a crew with four other people and that their next agency to rob is Hawk Agency, located in Paris."

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