Chapter 17: Day 17

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Taeyong sat and waited impatiently in his car as his leg was fidgeting uncontrollably. He watched the entrance to the building carefully and waited for her to walk out. From time to time he would look at his watch and it seemed like time was slowing down on purpose.

He rubbed his tired eyes and drank his cup of coffee. It must've been the fifth one already in the span of two hours that he spent waiting outside her apartment building. Thank god there was a café with a drive thru right beside the building.

He had stayed up all night, thinking about how he couldn't connect the dots to each other before. How he was so dumb, so stupid... Just, so clueless.

"I'll be there at nine."

Taeyong looked at his watch again, 8:45am. He groaned inwardly and chugged his coffee, the hot drink burning his throat. He crumpled up the paper cup as it got empty and threw it carelessly at the back of the car, filling up the pile of paper cups.

"I need more," he said and as he was about to get out to the café his eyes spotted something. Someone. Her.

She looked extra good today, he had to admit that. The pink dress she wore fit her slim and petite body perfectly and her hair was tied up in a ponytail, showing more of her beautiful face and neck.

She looks like a goddess.

"Did she dress up for him?" he thought and immediately gritted his teeth as the jealousy got to his head.

"No, I was thinking about meeting you later today. I dressed up for you." Would be her answer if she had heard his question, but he would never know that now, would he?

He was blinded by her and his love for her, he knew that. This girl managed to steal his heart in just a few days. Break it in one second. And he knew that it would take more than a few weeks to repair it. If not months even.

He watched her walk over to her car and get in it. He started his engine and followed her. He had taken his other car so that she wouldn't notice him. As he drove behind her car he could see her face from her rearview mirror. She was smiling and bobbing her head, assuming she did that to the music.

As she slowed down her car, he drove to the other side of the street and parked his car, getting a clear view of her car that was now parked right in front of a nightclub.

"She's meeting him at a nightclub?" he whispered to himself and felt his chest tighten. He saw her getting out of her car and walking to the corner of the building.

He opened his car window slightly and took out a box with a small high tech fly that had a microphone attached to it. He sent it out off the window and steered it with the small remote that came with it, making the fly fly over to her. He put on his earphones and just listened.

"Well, don't you look beautiful today. Did you dress up for me?"

Taeyong rolled his eyes and felt like he was going to puke at the sound of Jimin's voice. He could just go now and capture that bastard. The mission would be over and he wouldn't have to put up with any of this shit anymore. But there was something holding him back. He just didn't know what.

"You wish."

The sound of her voice made his heart ache a little. It was crazy how this girl could make him feel all kind of emotions.

"I do, indeed."

"Stop being such a flirt!"

Giggles were heard from the earphones and he took a deep breath to calm down. Wondering if he even wanted to continue to listen or not.

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