Chapter Five

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"Blue Blur!"

I twitched at the sudden sound. My eyes stayed closed as my hands felt the smooth ground below me. Where was I? I was drenched in rain with my suit clinging to my cold body. My back was stinging so bad I felt like I might die. I groaned in pain.

Someone slapped me in the face. I jolted up, my eyes wide open. I turned to a green and pink blur of color. As my eyes came into focus, I realized it was Green Light.

"Where's Coldfront?" was my first question. I glanced around. "Are we on a roof?"

"Calm down," Green Light ordered, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Take a few deep breaths. Someone beat you up and left you here. Try not to be too loud. The police are in the alleyway. There are two dead men there. Do you know who killed them?"

I nodded, wiping my wet hair out of my face. "Coldfront." I winced when I tried to stand. I was in serious need of some painkillers. "I tried to detain him. That didn't really go so well."

I felt like an idiot. Coldfront had knocked me unconscious like it was nothing. Green Light probably thought I was weak as hell. I kind of was.

Green Light scanned over me. "I can see that. I know two girls that could help you out."

I tilted my head. "Pardon?"

"Silver and Gold," Green Light explained. "The twins. They could heal you if you want."

I probably could have gotten home fine. I wasn't critically injured. I just didn't want have to take the time to recover. "Alright. Sure."

Green Light smiled. "Great. It's about time you meet them anyway."

Coldfront's warning came to mind, but I pushed him as far as I could out of my thoughts. What did words from a murderer mean to me anyway?


My eyes scanned over the warehouse I was standing in front of. My gaze drifted up to a sign that said this use to be an old car dealership. It explained the junk cars lingering around the area.

"Silver and Gold rent this space," Green Light explained casually. "I guess it's our base. I usually hang out with them after patrol."

"Do they live here?" I asked, still looking around the run down area.

Green Light shrugged. "No, but every time I stop by, they're here. They've devoted their entire summer to be heroes."

I narrowed my eyes. Even if I wanted to, I was still too busy to be a fulltime hero. I glanced at Green Light when I noticed she was hovering in the air. A smirk crossed my face. "Flying must be pretty cool."

Green Light's voice was filled with pride. "It's amazing. Jealous?"

I scoffed, placing a hand over my heart. "Extremely."

Green Light chuckled and gave me a playful shove. She pulled a door that led inside and waved at me to hurry. I was by her side before she could blink. As soon as we stepped inside, I faced a pretty girl with dark skin and a white wig. She had a silver mask that covered the top half of her face as a matching suit. There was a diamond outlined in black over her chest. Her gray eyes drifted over to me.

"You must be Blue Blur," she said in a soft voice. "Hello. I'm Silver."

I grinned and gave a little wave. "It's nice to meet you."

"You look like got the tar beat out of you," someone else remarked beside me, their voice louder and more confident than Silver's. I turned and eyed her, realizing she must have been Gold. She had on a light blonde wig and gold contacts. Her suit was the exact same as her sister's beside the fact her colors were gold and white instead of silver and black.

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