Iron Labs Report

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Iron Beach is currently the only city in the world with superheroes because of a chemical spill in the water supply.

There are around 3,000,000 people in Iron Beach. There is an estimate of around 15,000 of those individuals with the potential to develop superpowers. Some of them will never develop abilities, some will have delayed development. There's a listing of less than 80 active supers in Iron Beach while there are 800 test subjects in Iron Labs.

So far, there seems to be no way to cure the effects of the chemicals. It only affects certain people with an unknown mutation in their genes. It's unknown if this will be passed onto the next generation. However, it is likely that if one family member is affected by the chemical spill, others in the same family will be.

The chemicals seemed to have no effect on behavioral changes, but some powers are triggered by certain moods.

Iron Labs has been using supers as test subjects. Power dampening tools do exist, such as cells and cuffs, but power dampening chips short out in less than a day. Power enhancers do not seem to work on most supers, but do seem to work on a select few.

Almost nothing has been discovered and progress is slow but we will continue our research until we make a notable discovery. In fact, some of the people on our research team think they might have discovered how to recreate the same drug that triggered these abilities to begin with. Still, it isn't exactly the same.

In other news, I have something you'd probably like to hear, Natalia. We think we've found a way to reanimate the dead. Don't worry, you won't be coming back as a zombie. I'll tell you more in person if and when you wake up.

-Doctor Albert Fina.

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