COMING SOON.. (Kellic)

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"Goodbye, Vic." Max said to me while walking down the stairs towards the door.

"What? Why?" I asked climbing out of bed and walking towards the man almost at the front of door

"I'm sorry. I love you, but I just can't date someone with a kid on his back everyday." Max told me before planting a kiss on my forehead and walking out of my house.

"Daddy? Does Max hate me?" A voice asked making me whip my tears and turn around.

"No, baby. He doesn't. He just needs some air." I told him saying this phrase for the 13th time in 3 months.

"Okay," Vincent said walking over to me. "I wuv you daddy."

"I love you too, Vince." I said before picking him up and carrying him to his room.

You'd think that having a baby would be fun, right? Playing with them, making them laugh, making them smile, cuddling with them, giving them bubble baths, and everything. It's a very amazing experience and I would not give it up for anything, but when you are an only parent it is truly a really hard job.

My name is Victor Fuentes, but most of my friends call me Vic. I'm 18 and I go to Mission Bay High School. I am a single parent to my beautiful 4 year old son named Vincent. He was not a "drunken mistake" but he was certainly not planned.

I know what you're thinking. 'He's probably a terrible dad.' 'He's probably a man whore.' 'He's too immature for a child' 'Why a child at such a Young age?'.

Firstly, I didn't ask for this. I didn't want a child at 14, but do I regret it? Not one bit. Do I regret having it with the person I had it with and at that certain time? Yes.

Her name was Danielle. She was the worst thing that ever happened to me. She would get drunk, smoke, cheat on me, spread rumors.. etc. We had a one night stand and bam she was pregnant.

My parents weren't too happy when they found out, but they supported me unlike most parents.

My brother mike was really supportive, also. He had already brought clothes for Vincent before he was even born.

The downside about this whole situation is that whenever I go on a date without someone they tell me about themselves and I tell me about me. When I mention I have a kid, some tell me their going to the restroom and never come back, some just leave.

I love Vincent, but I think I'm gonna be a single parent possible forever. I do not choose to be, but it seems like no one loves a 18 guy with a child.

A Child Changes Everything (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now