Chapter 2

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Glasses clanked together in celebration as my best friends toasted me.

"To becoming Jounin!" Kurenai smiled.

"About damn time." Anko added.

I giggled, already a few drinks in. Those two had insisted that every drink we have be toasted in my honor, so I've been showered in congratulations all evening.

After leaving the Hokage's office this afternoon, I ran through the village trying to burn off my excited energy. I shouted my news at anyone I passed, whether or not they actually knew me or even cared.

Who knows how many laps I would've done around the village (I've been hanging out with Guy way too much), if it wasn't for the fact that I was suddenly tackled to the ground.

Before I started to fight my attacker, I realized it was just Anko on top of me.

"I heard the news. But you could've been a little louder, I don't think they heard you in the next village over." Anko smirked as I pushed her off.

"I guess I got a little carried away." I rubbed the back of my neck.

Anko helped me up, "Good. It's a big accomplishment. And I say you, me, and Kurenai get carried away tonight, with a little alcoholic celebration."

We've been sitting at the bar for a while now, and it's been steadily filling up as the night got later. I don't usually drink that much, it makes me uneasy to feel like I'm not on top of my game, like something could slip past me because I'm not aware of everything that's happening. And with the bar becoming busy, and quite noisy, things could easily get past my defenses without me noticing.

But becoming Jounin was a huge step in the right direction for my ninja career, so I allowed myself tonight to let my guard down. With the missions I'll hopefully start going on, letting my guard down won't be something I'll get to do often.

Downing her most recent drink, Kurenai eyed me with a slight smile, "Maybe now that you've made Jounin, you'll finally find time to actually date."

Anko snorted, "Like she'd give up her single life. She enjoys jumping from man to man too much."

"I do not jump from man to man!" I defended myself. Anko and Kurenai stared me down.

Maybe I have a bit of a history for short lived relationships. But it's not like I sleep around with a different man every night. I just wasn't looking for anything serious. All I needed was someone to have a little fun with, no commitment or promises necessary. It usually ended because the guy wanted to make the relationship into something more, and I wasn't able to offer that. Becoming the greatest shinobi in the Leaf Village was my focus, anything else was a distraction.

"Fine," I conceded a little, "I don't have any serious relationships to speak of. But none of the men I've been with have made me want to pursue something further. Besides, I'll likely just get busier with my new duties, so I still don't have time for a boyfriend."

"Well..." Anko smirked, "if you had to pick a guy to really date, who would it be?"

I clamped my mouth shut, to prevent a name that I didn't really mean from slipping out. Kurenai leaned closer, eager to hear my answer.

I didn't ever think about dating seriously, so I was surprised when a name popped into my head.

I don't like him that way, do I?

I shook the thought from my head, obviously the answer was no. The name probably just came up because I had seen him earlier today, and he was someone I really respected. Besides, I couldn't like someone I don't actually know.

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