Chapter 16

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"You three are dismissed."

Once we made it back to Konoha, I wanted nothing more than to go home to shower, eat, and sleep. But Kakashi insisted that we needed to give our report to the Third Hokage right away. I tried to argue that it only takes one person to give a report, but he dragged me along anyway.

"Actually Lord Hokage," Genma stepped forward a little, his movement seemed unsure, "I have something to talk to you about."

The Hokage nodded to prompt Genma to continue, but Genma sent a hesitant glance towards Kakashi and me.

"Alone would be best."

"Very well." The Hokage motioned for Kakashi and me to leave.

"Do you want us to wait for you?" We had been planning on going out to eat to enjoy one last team moment before splitting our separate ways. Our team was formed only for this mission, and now that it was over, Genma would go back to his duties on the Hokage Guard Platoon, and Kakashi and I would be back on regular jounin duty.

Genma shook his head, "You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later."

Kakashi and I left them, and walked in silence until we exited the building.

Once we were out of hearing range, I asked, "What do you think Genma wanted to talk to the Hokage about?"

Kakashi glanced down at me, "He works closely with the Hokage, so there would be lots of things he would have to talk with him about. None of which are your business, so don't pry."

He was right, so I tried to let it go. "Meet you and Genma at Ichiraku's in a little bit?"

Kakashi nodded, and I hurried back to my apartment. Days of traveling had made me a grimy mess. I threw my stuff down, not caring to unpack any of it right now, and went off to take a shower. The warm water felt so nice compared to a river, it was hard to convince myself to turn off the shower. But the thought of Kakashi waiting at the ramen shop hurried me along.

Now that I was looking presentable again, I raced to Ichiraku's. My spirits fell a little when I saw that I was the only one there so far. Teuchi, the owner, waved me in, and I secured spots for myself and my two teammates.

I was admittedly sad that our mission was over, I enjoyed working with Kakashi and Genma and thought the three of us made a really good team. Although this mission only made me more confused about Kakashi. I like him, I can admit that much, but I kept going back and forth on what to do about it. He's single, and it seemed to me that we had shared some moments. But those could've meant nothing to him. And we were both ninjas. If he dated a normal girl from the village, at least she'd always be around whenever he was here. I usually only rest for a few days between missions, and what are the chances that our missions have us home at the same time.

My thoughts were interrupted when the stool next to me moved. I looked up, and found Kakashi smiling down at me. I couldn't help but return the smile, and Kakashi sat down. He looked exactly the same as when I had left him, but I could smell the scent of soap coming off him.

"Late as usual." I teased.

"I can't be late when there wasn't a technical meeting time. You just said later."

I rolled my eyes at him, placing my ramen order now that he was here.

Once Kakashi placed his order as well, I asked, "So what are you going to do now that this mission is over?"

Kakashi's face looked indifferent. "There should be a group of students graduating from the Academy in a few weeks. I'll probably be assigned another team of genin to assess."

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