Chapter 15

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One hundred fifty-one

One hundred fifty-two

One hundred fifty-three

I counted how many times I was able to kick this one particular rock along the trail. The walk back from Kimi's kingdom was long, and I was bored out of my mind.

One hundred seventy-nine

One hundred eighty

In frustration, I kicked my rock a little too hard and it went flying off the trail. I let out an angry sigh, prompting a smirk and a chuckle from Genma. I was feeling feisty though, so I squared up to him.

"You wanna go Shiranui?" He may be taller than me, but I put on my best 'I'm going to kill you' face. He only laughed.

"I've realized something these past few days." He said, ignoring my invitation to fight.

"And what's that?" I crossed my arms.

Genma smirked again, "You should dress up more, like you did at the ball. Because I realize now how scary you can look dressed as a ninja."

I scowled at that, "Maybe I dress scary to protect you all. My feminine charm would be hard to resist otherwise."

He gave me a glance over. We've been walking for a few days, and sleeping in tents and bathing in rivers doesn't do much for appearances. He muttered, "Oh so charming."

"Okay, maybe I'm not as charming as a certain princess we encountered." I poked him, and I could've sworn a bit of a blush appeared.

"I think you may have gotten a little attached, maybe even developed a little crush." I teased.

"You're insane." Genma shook his head.

I smirked, "I think you're going to go insane when we arrive home. You're going to miss serving a princess once you go back to working for the Hokage."

"Well, Kimi certainly was prettier than the Hokage."

I faked a gasp, "The Lord Third is going to be crushed hearing you don't think he's that pretty."

Genma groaned at my teasing, and I laughed. But soon, Genma had a bit of a smile on his face. "I think you're prettier than both though."

His words caught me off guard, I didn't know what to say other than stumble through a 'thank you.' Ahead of us, I thought I saw Kakashi's body stiffen a little. I ignored both of them, choosing to walk in silence some more.

But it wasn't long before I was bored again. We still had hours of walking before we'd reach the Hidden Leaf village. Glancing at Kakashi walking in front of us, I decided to mess with my teammate one last time.

I caught Genma's attention, and his smirk came back seeing the look in my eye.

This whole walk, to relieve my boredom, I had been wandering off the trail and walked through the trees lining the road. So Kakashi wouldn't think anything of it if I did it one more time. I walked off into the trees, and after a short amount of time I sent a shadow clone back out in my place, concealing my chakra and making my footsteps silent.

I walked beside the two guys and my shadow clone, hidden away in the trees, and tried to decide if I wanted to spring out in a surprise attack and wrestle Kakashi's book away from him, or if I wanted to slip something in his path so he'd trip and I could grab his book before he got up. Before I could make my decision though, I heard Kakashi's voice call out my name.

"Don't even think about it." He continued.

"Think about what?" My shadow clone responded.

"I'm not talking to you." He didn't even glance up from reading. "I'm talking to the real you that's hiding in the trees."

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