Chapter 8

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Please read at your own risk

I will provide a summary of what happened at the start of the next chapter so this chapter can be safely skipped

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The detained ninja was trembling on the ground, sitting in a pool of his own blood. Kakashi and I got him really good, he shouldn't give me any trouble during questioning. I decided to try playing nice with him, and promised that I wouldn't hurt him any further if he gave me the information I want.

"Why were you after us?" I asked, trying to appear non-threatening. He didn't say anything, just sat there shaking in fear.

"Is the Princess not your target?" I tried again. He continued to sit there saying nothing. For a ninja who seems so scared, he sure was stubborn. Maybe I was being too nice, he is a shinobi after all, he was likely trained to not talk during interrogations.

I grabbed out my kunai and got closer, hardening my voice, "Again, why were you after us?"

The ninja's trembling calmed suddenly, and he stared up at me with a smirk growing. Was he playing me? It was time to ditch the nice act altogether, interrogation wouldn't work well if he wasn't afraid.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him up into a standing position, smashing him back into the wall behind him. He winced, Kakashi and I hurt his leg pretty badly, but I ignored it. I held him up with one hand, and dug my kunai into his neck with the other. He struggled in my grip, but was too injured to escape.

"How many ninja were sent here?" My voice took a sharp edge, making the ninja look me in the eyes. He looked uncomfortable, but still didn't seem afraid of me. He steadily held my gaze. I dug my knee into a bleeding injury on his leg, causing him to squeeze his eyes shut and cry out in pain.

"Who sent you here?" I growled my question and dug my knee in further.

The ninja opened his mouth, "I...It..."

He quickly shut his mouth, still stubborn in his refusal to talk. I smirked though, I had gotten somewhere. Inflict enough pain, and I could get him to talk eventually. Before I could question him further, a sharp pain spread through my arm that was holding him. I dropped my kunai and let go of him, and he slumped down to the floor.

I looked at my now-bleeding arm to investigate what happened. The ninja had embedded a kunai into my arm. I cursed myself for not disarming him, but I didn't let that show. I kept my face calm and I yanked the kunai out. I turned my attention back to the ninja, and stared him down with death in my eyes, twirling his bloody kunai in my fingers.

If he wanted to play this way, I could play this way.

His eyes widened at what he saw in my eyes, and I could tell his fear was back. Perfect, I needed him to be afraid. Maybe a little torture would make him more willing to talk.

I slowly got close to him again, and his breathing sped up. In one swift motion, I plunged his kunai into his shoulder. He cried out, and went he opened his eyes again, I made sure he was looking right at me.

I maintained our eye contact, and pulled him into my genjutsu.

* * *

The hallway faded away, to be replaced with complete darkness.

The ninja darted his eyes around, unsure of what was happening. Just as his panic was picking up because he was sure he was trapped wherever this was, a form began to appear out of the darkness, and the ninja's palms began to sweat. He didn't understand what he was seeing. More forms appeared, and all of them slowly took on concrete shapes. The ninja's fear skyrocketed as the creatures moved closer to him, and he could make out what they were. They were the stuff of his darkest nightmares, the horrors of his past. His heart threatened to jump out of his chest as they began to talk to him.

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