Chapter 23

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The rest of the night passed quickly, or maybe I was too drunk to notice how long it had been. Genma kept giving me drinks, and I kept drinking them to forget about Kakashi's change in attitude. I was going to regret it in the morning, but at least I was feeling happier right now.

"Come on Monkey, time to go." Genma steered me towards the door to leave the bar.

I tried to dig my heels into the ground in protest, but all I managed to do was trip. "But I have to tell Kurenai before I leave with anyone!"

Genma chuckled, "She's already outside."

"Okay, I'll go. But if you're just trying to kidnap me, I'm going to tell Asuma and he'll come after you."

We walked outside, and sure enough Kurenai was standing there. I ran to tackle her into a hug.

"Kurenai! I missed you so much! Where's Anko? We should keep partying!"

Kurenai pried me off of her. "Anko already left. It's time to go home now."

I angrily huffed, plopping to the ground and crossing my arms. I didn't want to go home. Why didn't anyone want to party with me?

"Asuma, maybe we should take her home ourselves." Kurenai sounded concerned.

I started grinning when she said Asuma's name. "I see why you want to go home. You have a sexy boyfriend you want to do sexy things with."

Kurenai looked unamused. "Yeah, I don't trust you to get home by yourself tonight."

Asuma and Kurenai lifted me up from my sitting position on the ground.

"Weee!" I screeched out.

Genma finally stepped forward. "You two can go on ahead. I'll make sure she gets home."

"Are you sure? She's a bit of a handful right now." Kurenai was hesitating to hand me over to Genma, as I was currently squirming around between her and Asuma.

He nodded. "She's not any trouble. You enjoy the rest of your night."

Kurenai shared a glance with Asuma, but ended up placing me in Genma's arms.

Before they left, Asuma stared Genma down. "Take advantage of her, and I'll kill you."

Genma just waved them off, and Kurenai and Asuma reluctantly left.

I was suddenly aware that Genma was holding me bridal style, with my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. I giggled before announcing, "I'm dead now!"

With that, I let go of his neck and let my body go limp. I closed my eyes and stuck my tongue out, playing dead. Genma cursed, almost dropping me.

"That was a naughty word, Genma!" I started giggling again.

He set me back down on the ground, then sat next to me. "Let's hang out right here until you calm down a little."

That sounded boring, but I listened because I didn't want him to be mad at me. Kakashi was already mad at me. I laid down, and pretended to make snow angels despite there being no snow.

Genma was patiently watching me, waiting for me to get tired so he could carry me home a little easier. My giddy mood started to wear off, and I was left reliving the way Kakashi stormed off. I sat up and leaned my head against Genma, wanting some kind of comfort. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"I think I'm ready to go home now." I told him. Genma nodded and helped me to my feet. He kept a hand on each shoulder, making sure I was stable. I looked up at him, wishing it was Kakashi here instead. Genma must've thought my look was meant for him though, because he leaned forward to kiss me. I stepped back, looking away from him.

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