Chapter 32

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I left Kakashi's apartment a while later with a full belly. Since Kakashi had been summoned, I wasn't able to get the time with him like I was hoping. But at least I was still able to have some of that delicious breakfast he made. Even if it had gotten a little cold.

I lingered outside of his apartment for a moment, trying to decide what to do with my day. I watched as people walked by, ignoring the curious or judging looks some of Kakashi's neighbors were giving me. Even they couldn't ruin my day. It was my last day off before going back to my duties with the Anbu. My hand rubbed over the spot on my right shoulder where my Anbu tattoo was, thinking of something I saw earlier today.

Kakashi had an Anbu tattoo on his left shoulder. I was too preoccupied to pay much attention at the time, but now it was at the front of my mind. I don't think I knew that Kakashi was in the Anbu. Not that I'm claiming to know everything about him, I still have a lot to learn, and he certainly doesn't know everything about me. Including the fact that I'm in the Anbu as well.

Nobody knows actually. Some other members don't seem to care if people know their identity, but I take my anonymity very seriously. I let all my friends assume that I had been going on a lot of solo missions, or just weren't being assigned to the same missions as them. I don't see anything wrong with those little lies.

But maybe I should tell Kakashi at least. I'm really trying at this relationship with him, and even though I normally wouldn't tell someone, it doesn't feel right to be keeping secrets from him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a figure on the rooftops. I turned to look, and internally groaned when I saw who it was. A member of the Anbu, motioning for me to get ready and report to headquarters. I guess they already received word that I'm off medical leave.

Back at my apartment, I pulled out my uniform that's been stored away for the last three months. I was surprised by how good it felt to put it on again. I was actually looking forward to whatever they had in store for me today.

It didn't take long to sneak to headquarters, my eagerness had me moving quickly. However, my good mood died when I saw who was waiting for me. Two men were standing side by side, one's face was covered by a mask, the other wearing a sadistic smile I had become very familiar with.

"Commander, Ibiki," I nodded to each of them. I didn't have a good feeling about this. All my encounters with Ibiki involved me torturing someone with my genjutsu. But my training with him had finished, so why is he here now?

"Welcome back," the Anbu Commander greeted, sounding genuinely glad I was back on duty. We all stood in silence for a moment, me waiting for them to tell me why they summoned me here, and Ibiki enjoying my nervous anticipation.

I couldn't handle the silence anymore. "Are you going to tell me what is going on?"

Ibiki exhaled in a way that sounded like a laugh. "I thought you would've been able to figure that out. It's what we always do during our little meetings."

"We finished my training though."

Ibiki nodded. "You're right, we did. But you seem to have forgotten that there was going to be a final test. A test that will prove you have full control of your genjutsu, as well as a test to prove you still have what it takes to be in the Anbu."

I was confused for a moment, until I remembered he was right. Months ago, he did say he was going to test me when he felt I was ready. I guess I forget things while I was gone.

"So that's why I'm here? It's time to take your test?" I asked. Ibiki nodded confirmation. Then I caught on to what else he said. "Wait, why are you testing if I still belong in the Anbu?"

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