Chapter 10

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"Wake up!"

I groaned and covered my ears to block out Kimi's voice.

"Come on, we have a lot of things to do today!" Kimi ripped the blanket right off of me.

I sat up from the sudden cold and shot Kimi a glare. I didn't even have to look in the mirror to know that I had massive bags under my bloodshot eyes.

Kimi laughed at my appearance, "Did you even sleep last night? I could hear you pacing around for hours."

In truth, I had just barely passed out right before Kimi woke me up. I couldn't get my mind to stop running.

After my realization that I have feelings for Kakashi, I tried to reason my way out of it. I tried to convince myself that it was just my admiration for him getting out of control, but I didn't believe myself. I've known for years what it feels like to admire him. This was nothing like that. The way I felt about him has changed ever since we were assigned to this mission. When we started, I felt honored to train with him and work alongside him. But I've discovered that's not enough, I want to be around him even when we're not working, and I like talking to him. Whenever our conversations end, I always want more. Last night was hard knowing he was right outside the door but I had to stay in here with the princess.

Once I accepted that my feelings were real, I thought about what I was going to do next. And I settled on doing nothing. In all honesty, I still don't know Kakashi that well. We only teamed up recently, and during that time I've gotten to know Genma way more than I got to know Kakashi. And besides, this partnership was just a mission to him. Once we get back home, we'll go back to never interacting. Which is how it should be, because I'm too busy with my ninja career to be dating anyone. It's not fair to make someone be with me, and then I'm never around.

I still don't even know if he's single or not.

So I'll just enjoy being on this team with him while I can. And I won't make it awkward with my newfound feelings.

"Let's go sleepy head!" Kimi started digging through her closet for something to wear.

"Why do I have to be up? I thought Genma was coming to your room to pick you up today, so I don't need to escort you down to breakfast."

"He's not here yet and I want to get started! It's the last day of preparation for my birthday ball tomorrow night."

Tomorrow was Kimi's 21st Birthday, which will officially mark her as eligible for the crown. She's celebrating with a big birthday ball, which just makes our job of protecting her harder. It's easy to watch her when she's in the castle and only surrounded by a few staff members. Packing a whole bunch of people together in a ballroom makes it a bit more difficult to observe everyone.

Just as I started to force myself to get up out of my chair (I couldn't wait to sleep in my own bed again) there was a knock on the door.

"Could you get that?" Kimi asked as she walked into the bathroom. I got up and opened the door to find Genma.

"Hey," he smiled at me, "is Kimi ready?"

"Just give her a second." I looked to the floor. Things weren't totally back to normal between Genma and me, even after my breakfast offering yesterday, and I needed to fix that.

"Look," I started, "about the other night..."

"Don't worry about it. That ninja killing himself was an accident. Let's just move on."

So Genma still wanted to pretend it had nothing to do with me. I guess that means he's decided not to talk to anyone about my secret genjutsu at all. Not even me.

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