Chapter 11

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Being a ninja, I've seen a lot of scary things throughout the years. But none of that prepared me for the terrifying, dagger-eyed glare Kimi was giving me.

The ball was starting soon, and I was late. I was also covered in sweat and dirt, and my hair likely looked like I had been caught in a tornado. Kakashi and I had been double checking all our security measures for tonight, including all the traps we set in the surrounding land outside the village. I had been unfortunate enough to have been caught in one, and had to wait for Kakashi to find me. That's why I was running late and looked so disheveled.

Kimi was ready to chew me out for giving her so much work to do to get me ready for the ball. I quickly pointed out to Kimi that her safety is my top priority, not looking pretty, and that barely got me off the hook with her.

After cleaning up, I decided to push my look and ask her why she cared so much about me being all dressed up for tonight.

Kimi pushed me down into a chair. "Because," she looked at me with a mischievous grin, "I have a mission of my own." She didn't explain what she meant, and I could tell that she wasn't going to tell me anything else even if I asked, so I left it at that.

Kimi got to work on doing my hair and makeup. I have to admit, she knew what she was doing. Her hands skillfully worked through my hair, styling it in a way that was extremely flattering. She moved to start on my makeup, and I watched her enhance all the best features of my face. When she was done, I was stunned by what I saw in the mirror. I walked in here as a grimy ninja, but Kimi managed to make me look like royalty.

The maids helped me into the gown, and the whole look came together. For a moment, I could only stare. I felt beautiful.

Kimi smiled proudly at her work, looking just as stunning in her own gown and makeup. I grabbed her hand, "Thank you Kimi."

She shook her head, "Thank you for everything you've been doing for me. This is the least I could do for you in return."

I gathered some of my weapons and began finding places to keep them on my body. As I was strapping a kunai onto my thigh in a spot that wasn't visible through the slit in the dress, Kimi burst out laughing. When I gave her a questioning look, she said, "You're dressed to kill – literally and figuratively."

I laughed with her, and Kimi went into her bathroom to make last minute touch ups before we left. A knock sounded on her door, and I went to open it. Standing there, dressed in a tuxedo and everything, was Genma.

I gave his outfit an inspection, keeping my expression super serious, and motioned for him to turn around. He humored me and did a full spin. Finally, when I felt like I had pretended to be considering my verdict long enough, I smiled, "You're right. Damn sexy in a tux."

Genma laughed, "Look at you though. Are you here to kill the assassins or seduce them?"

"If things go according to plan, she'll be seducing someone by the end of the night." Kimi practically sang as she walked to us. Before I could demand what she meant by that, Kimi grabbed Genma's arm and quickly walked away with him. I followed behind them, listening to her compliment him on how handsome he looked.

We approached the ballroom doors. Kimi straightened herself up, then placed her hand delicately on Genma's arm. The guards opened the doors, revealing the top of a grand staircase and the ballroom below.

"Presenting, on the night of her 21st birthday, Princess Kimiko Oshiro." A booming voice announced, silencing the crowd. Kimi started her descent down the stairs, escorted by Genma. The people in the ballroom, a mix of noble guests and villagers, applauded in celebration.

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