Chapter 27

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Walking down the hospital hallway was a slow process, but I was getting better each time. And today they were finally releasing me from the hospital, it's been just over a week since I woke up. A nurse walked alongside me, keeping an eye on me as I tried to not show any pain. The stitches in my stomach made it hurt to stand up straight, and my broken leg required me to use crutches. Thankfully my burns didn't hurt when walking, only when they were touched. The doctor said I could continue the healing process at home though, so I was happy despite the pain.

We finally reached the exit of the hospital, and the nurse looked me up and down. "Are you going to be able to get home? We can get someone to escort you."

"That won't be necessary," I assured her, "my b... I have someone coming to get me."

The nurse seemed satisfied with my answer and left me waiting by the door.

I huffed out a breath, I almost called Kakashi my boyfriend. It was only a couple of days ago that we made up and confessed our feelings. He did come visit me in the hospital every day, and he was going to help me home today. But we haven't gone on an official date, so I wasn't sure if I could call him my boyfriend yet.

Sinking into a waiting chair, I allowed myself to get lost in thought about Kakashi. He passed through my mind a lot during my long days of being stuck in the hospital. I've known that I like him for a long time, and I couldn't wait to spend more time with him now that I know he feels the same way. I loved our friendship before, I would've been happy to continue to be just his friend, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to be something more.

I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. This is going to be my first real attempt at a relationship, I've never bothered to progress with any guy in the past. None of those guys made me feel the way Kakashi did though, and none of those guys are even comparable to Kakashi. I feel so lucky to know him, and I'm always surprised by how natural it is to be around him. But even with how easy our friendship has been, I'm still worried that I'll be no good at being in a relationship.

"Excuse me, but I am looking to assist a beautiful woman. Are you in need of any assistance?"

I was pulled from my thoughts when Kakashi appeared in front of me. I rolled my eyes a little at his line, but played along. "I may need some help. What's in it for you though?"

Kakashi held out a hand so I could steady myself while standing. "I told my students yesterday that I was late because I was helping an elderly woman. They didn't believe me. So I figured if I actually helped someone today, my late excuse would be truthful for once."

I raised an eyebrow at him, and then glanced at the clock. He was 30 minutes late for picking me up. What's his excuse for arriving at the hospital late? Kakashi followed my gaze, and rubbed the back of his neck at being late yet again. He brought my attention back to him though by running his thumb across my cheek.

"But maybe I have another reason for wanting to help you," Kakashi said in a low voice.

"What reason is that?" I breathed back.

Instead of answering, Kakashi just held the hospital door open for me. I knew him well enough to know that if I pestered him enough he'd eventually tell me what his reason was, but I was exhausted and I wasn't feeling up to that so I let it go for now. I'll get it out of him later.

I hobbled out of the hospital on my crutches and headed in the direction of my apartment. Kakashi was beside me, observing my every move, looking like he was ready to catch me if I had even the slightest wobble in my balance. It was cute seeing him look so concerned.

"Would it maybe be easier if I carried you?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "Not unless you can carry me without touching any part of me below the waist."

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