Chapter 1

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Zendaya's POV

"You ready Z?!" Darnell called through to me in our hotel room.

"Yeah I'm coming now!" I called back as I picked up my bag and left the bathroom, today was the day I started rehearsals for my duet, Rewrite The Stars, I still didn't know who I was working along side since nobody had told me, I wouldn't find out until I heard the final edit of the song and arrived at rehearsals today.

I had made little to no effort for rehearsals, I had no makeup on, except for a little mascara, my hair just as it was this morning, with my natural curls, a baggy, oversized t-shirt reading 'sweat' and grey bicycle shorts as I had a feeling today I was gonna be working super hard.


"Dude im still not sure you're telling me the truth here, im sure you know who my on screen lover is and you just wont tell me" I teased to Darnell as we were driven to the rehearsal studio.

"Girl I swear to you I have no clue, I'm in the dark as much as you are, all I know is that hes super experienced with these sort of films, but that really could be afew people, I just don't know, but we'll soon see, we're here, come on".


After a what felt like forever travelling through the New York traffic, we'd finally arrived, I was super excited to be finally working on the ropes for the song, I'd done a couple of days with the trapeze with a one to one coach, but today I was with someone different, plus my co star, who I was yet to meet.

"Yeah man well let me know later how it goes, take it easy dude!" I heard a deep voice say on the phone across the room.

Oh. My. God.

"If that is who I think it is im for sure gonna pass out!" I whispered to Darnell.

"It's freaking Zac Efron, I swear I didn't know if was him! Didn't you have like a major crush on him afew years ago and have poste-"

"Shh!" I cut him off as Zac walked over.

"Oh my god so you're the secret lover that nobody would tell me about!" He exclaimed as he came towards me.

"Oh you were in the dark too? That makes me feel a little better!" I joked.

"Yeah, anyway its nice to finally meet you babe" he said pulling me into a hug.

Babe, oh my god he called me babe.

Wait, maybe he says that to everyone.

He smelt amazing, his cologne was so intense, but also not too much. He was still just as good looking as he was when I was watching him on my TV screen back when I was a kid.

His black tshirt and grey jogging shorts sat perfectly on his muscly body... Or at least that's what I was imagining underneath.


"Fantastic guys you both are natural rope swingers!" Leanne shouted, she was helping show us the ropes, quite literally. "You can both take some time now for lunch".

Darnell had gone a couple of streets away to an internet café to reply to a bunch of emails so It was just me and Zac.

"How come you came alone?" I asked Zac. "I Just decided to come by myself, I dropped my assistant because I felt too restrited, you know, like I had to run everything by them and stuff, id rather just get stuff done myself and if I need the help I call my agent." He replied fixing his beanie on his head.

"Fair enough, I take my hat off to you I cant even arrange a cab by myself! Ha!" I joked as I grabbed my bag.

"Haha, you're funny. Shall we just grab some lunch together considering were both loners right now?" Zac replied.

Yes! Yes I would like lunch with him! But I gotta play it cool!

"Umm, yeah sure why not, Taco Bell?"

"Sounds great" he said as we set off down the street.


Getting down just one street wasn't too much of a problem, but when one person sees you, you know its not gonna be long before a crowd appears, and it sure had appeared.

Zacs POV

As we arrived at Taco Bell the crowds were insane, word had obviously got out that we were in New York and the crowd of people, and paps, was getting bigger and bigger.

Keeping my sunglasses on and just a couple of inches infront of Zendaya, I stepped up the curb to enter the building.

A pap jumped right into Zendaya causing her to lose her footing a little, I quickly grabbed her arm to steady her. "You're fine I'll pull you through the crowd" I said as I took her hand and pulled her past the paps and into the building.

That was chaos.


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