Chapter 16

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"Ugh.." Zendaya groaned as she leant over Zac to turn off her alarm, she squinted looking at her phone screen, it was 8am. She looked over at Zac, who was still snoozing, he looked too cute.

Today, for the Opra show, she'd decided she was gonna get ready at home and arrive at the studio just before filming, instead of getting ready there.

It was now half past nine and Darnell, and her hair and makeup artist had arrived to help glam her up.

"So how's life in your new home then" Darnell said as he sat at the breakfast bar on his laptop.

"Good yeah, it doesn't feel that different really cause I kinda stayed here all the time anyway, I just don't have to go to my mums for more clothes now" she replied as her hair was pulled up into a tight bun.

"Where is he then, the heart throb of the year" Darnell teased back.

Zendaya laughed "he's sleeping, he's been so on the go recently so he's just having a lay in whilst I get ready."

"He's coming to the studio right?"

"For sure, he's probably getting ready now, I told him we were leaving at 11 so he'll be ready." Zendaya replied back as her head was covered in hairspray.


"yes, I think you should wear that" Darnell said as I fixed my outfit and turned to look in the mirror.

"You think? It's not too much?" She replied.

She'd gone for a tartan two piece and some white heels, classy but a little edgy, just like her.


"You guys ready? The cars here!" Darnell said as he picked up his bag.

Zac and Zendaya were in the kitchen taking some photos together, Zendaya felt good, she'd not been glammed up in a while so she was really feeling herself. Zac just had on a plain black tshirt and jeans with his shades, he wasn't being filmed but he was most definitely gonna get papped, they were swarming the gates already.



'Zendaya Coleman turns heads as she arrives at the Studios with beau Zac Efron in tow'

'Zendaya Coleman turns heads as she arrives at the Studios with beau Zac Efron in tow'

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"Alright, so we've covered the movies, we've covered your rumoured feud with Bella Thorne, we've covered life at Disney, but theres one thing we haven't covered, or should I say one person we haven't covered" Opra said as Zendaya smiled shyly and blushed.

"He's perfect, honestly" she said as she looked over at Zac who was stood by one of the monitors smiling with such pride.

"How have you found that transition, you've gone from filming your first huge movie and people really taking you super serious, to being he centre of a huge media storm" She asked seriously.

"It's kinda weird, I wouldn't change it for the world but sometimes I do have to stop and remember what my life really was like, you can get super caught up in it all. But he's so normal, he's honestly nothing like the press make out." Zendaya said as she smiled slightly.

"What do you mean normal?" Opra asked.

"He's just a normal guy, he has feelings and emotions and I think people forget that, he got linked to everyone he worked with so when the press picked up on us, they weren't too kind at first, but we've learnt to kinda block it out." Zen responded.

"So how did you meet, who said 'hey' first, was it a drink? One night stand? How did it all start?" Opra asked intrigued.

"Well... We do kinda wanna keep it a little private, its something we might openly talk about one day but we quite like having at least one thing that everyone doesn't know about" Zen replied sweetly.

"Alright, well you seem really genuinely happy, we did see you snap back at some claims you were pregnant, how was that for you, were you shocked?" Opra asked in return.

"Umm, yeah I was a little shocked, just cause im in lose fitting clothing doesn't mean im having a baby, its crazy how obsessed the press get" Zendaya laughed.

"Do you want a baby with Zac?" Opra asked bluntly.

"Oh... Umm... Yeah one hundred percent, but were in no rush for anything, we're happy as we are right now, our careers are soaring so we don't want anything to jepoardise that just yet" She said smiling over at Zac.

Afew more questions were asked before the filming was wrapped up and both Zac and Zendaya headed home.


"I am exhausted!!" Zen exclaimed as she slouched onto the sofa, she'd had a shower and put on her comfys. Noon jumped onto her lap as she got cosy.

"I've ordered us some dinner, I couldn't be arsed to cook" Zac said snuggling up with her and throwing a blanket over them like usual. He flicked on the TV and started scrolling through the channels. "This looks interesting babe, wanna try this one?" he said selecting a film.



Zac said before looking over and noticing his girlfriend sleeping peacefully, he leant over and kissed her forehead gently before grabbing his phone.


@ZacEfron Payback's a bitch babe😉

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@ZacEfron Payback's a bitch babe😉

Tagged: @Zendaya

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