Chapter 6

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Zendaya's POV

My eyes slowly flickered open, and I knew I wasn't in my bed. And then I remembered. I was with Zac.

I looked up slowly to see Zac still sleeping, his hair exactly as it was last night and a glass of soda still pretty much full on the coffee table, along with a grey blanket over me, which I knew I hadn't done, bless him.

Reaching forward gently, careful not to wake him, I grabbed my phone, it was 9:13am. This was the best sleep id had since we'd started filming. We weren't due to be down on set until 12 today, but I knew I needed a shower and needed to see Darnell before he wondered where id been.

I very slowly got up from Zac's warm body, which killed me but I knew I had to go and didn't want to wake him. He didn't stir.

I grabbed a piece of paper from his desk in his hotel room and left him a note by his phone.

'Thanks for last night Mr Carlyle, I'm sorry I've gone but I seriously needed a shower otherwise people would realise that I smelt exactly the same as you and we don't want people talking.

I'll see you down on set





Id just finished getting into costume and was heading down to set, the first scene for the day had been changed to I had a couple of hours free before I started filming, meaning I didn't need to rush to get ready this morning, but I suppose It meant I could see Zac, considering I hadn't seen him since I left him this morning. He was busy today filming The Other Side so I made my way down to the set he was on, anyone could watch really but not many people did unless it was a massive number, like The Greatest Show.

I stood by one of the monitors watching Zac and Hugh work, Zac couldn't see me here, or at least I didn't think he could. Watching them trying to master the shot choreography was pretty entertaining, so much water had been spilt, cause that's all it was really with a little food colouring, but they finally seemed to be getting the hang of it.


"Now I admire you, and that whole show you do
You're onto something, really it's something
But I live among the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells
I'll have to leave that up to you"

Zac sang perfectly, I loved this song, I loved the way they both sounded together and the way they would fight for the upper hand in the song.

In part of the song Zac had to use a bar stool to climb up onto the bar, but he was struggling to get the stool down quick enough meaning he couldn't get on the bar in time, I laughed a little but let out a quiet noise.

Zac immediately looked over at me, I didn't think he'd have been able to see me but he obviously could.


Worried that he'd be annoyed that id intruded or was laughing I put my head down a little and tried to pretend I wasn't looking.

"Hey!.." he called over whilst everyone was busy setting up to refilm the scene. "Thanks for the note Miss Wheeler" he smirked and winked.

That was risky, what if someone heard him say that! We were trying to keep things on the down low, not that i knew what it actually was, we hadnt actually spoken about it.

I smiled at him and then shyly looked away.

He was so smooth.

The music began playing again everyone was focusing on Zac being able to get the stool down in time.

"I don't need to see the other side"

He nailed it, that was seemeless.

"So go and do like you do
I'm good to do it like me"

The way he sang those lines was incredible, the growl in his voice and the little tap dance he does made me smile every time, he was fantastic.

I stayed by the cameras watching them both work until they finally finished the song and we could begin working on the other scenes. I really wanted to just fall into his arms and cuddle him forever, but I just couldn't do that in front of everyone, and it was killing me already.

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