Chapter 13

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Zendayas POV

This was horrendous, Zac had been gone for just over 2 weeks, he was now in Chicago finishing off some meetings he was having and then a couple of interviews, and then finally, in 3 days time, he would be home, and I could not wait. I was missing him like crazy, I spoke to him every day and we did Facetime, but we couldn't kiss or cuddle or anything, and I couldn't wait to just cuddle up and watch trash TV and do nothing, these past few weeks have been hectic and I couldn't wait for a break.

Today I was on The Ellen Show, I loved being on there, she was the one host who I felt like I could open up to, she wasn't too serious and was always so welcoming, and this one I had agreed to talk about Zac, I knew people were desperate to know.


I finished having the finishing touches done to my makeup before being called to air. I was actually super excited.


"Alright so I'm just gonna cut straight to it and ask what everyone wants to know" Ellen began "are his abs real? Or are they like super imposed in the movies?"

I burst into laughter before nodding my head "I can confirm they are real" I blushed.

"Alright alright just checking, so how did you know that you liked eachother? How did that come about?" she asked as a photo flashed up behind of us both at the premier. The whole audience aww'd.

"Well, we worked pretty close together, every day, literally strapped together, so that immediately broke the ice" I joked "but then one night I couldn't sleep so I went down to the hotel bar and there he was, he also couldn't sleep, we got talking and then one thing led to another and, here we are" I smiled as I looked at the photo that was being shown.

"That is pretty cute, so you just literally fell in love as your characters were"

"Pretty much yeah, we sort of followed in Anne and Phillips footsteps" I joked, smiling.

"So were is he then whats he up to, is he at home doing an insane workout, five hundred thousand push ups and planks?" Ellen teased as a photo of Zac shirtless replaced the one of us as the whole audience went crazy.

"He's actually in Chicago right now doing some important stuff, it's been almost 3 weeks since I've seen him so I cant wait for him to get home" I replied, poking my bottom lip out slightly as the crowd aww'd again.

"Do you like, facetime?" Ellen asked.

"Yeah, yeah we facetime every day but I haven't spoken to him today yet, he's 2 hours ahead so I usually talk to him at night when I know he's just at his hotel so, but I cant wait to see him" I said, a smile appearing on my face.

"Hey why don't we facetime him now" Ellen suggested as the crowd went insane.

"Oh I don't know, I'm not sure he'd answer" I said, but before I could say anything else Ellen had taken a phone, that was linked up to the big screen behind, and had called him, I knew he wouldn't answer, I'd already tried to call him before.

"Hey Ellen!" Zac exclaimed over the phone as he actually answered.

What?... I'd been calling and he hadn't picked up, I'm confused.

"Hey Zac, so I'm just with Zendaya, she's telling me she misses you so I thought we'd give you a call" Ellen said turning the camera to me as I waved and blew him a kiss.

"I miss you babe" he said blowing a kiss back, everyone was going crazy, screaming, some even crying, and everyone shouting 'aww'.

"Miss you too!" I said back as I laughed and blushed again.

"So what has it been guys like 3 weeks?" Ellen asked again.

"Yeah, almost 3 weeks, of long nights and waiting, I cant wait for him to get ho-"

I was cut off by incredibly loud screams and people pointing behind me, I turned around to see Zac, walking over, still on factime.

"Oh my god what?!" I exclaimed as I ran over to him and jumped on him not letting go.

"Surprise!" Ellen shouted as she welcomed Zac over to sit down.

"Ellen i was getting so confused I was like wait, my boyfriend wont pick up to me but he'll answer to Ellen?!" I joked as everyone started to laugh. "I cant believe it!"

"We thought we'd give you a little surpsrise" Zac said kissing my head and putting his hand on my leg, I felt like my other half was back, I felt complete.


"I still cant believe you managed to pull that off, how long were you there for?" I asked as I kicked off my shoes and sat down on the sofa with Zac, who looked exhausted.

"Like, around 20 minutes, I was literally just taken through the back door, mic'd up and then Ellen called" he replied as he yawned.

"I'm so happy you're home, please don't ever ever go away for that long again... Or take me with you" I teased as I gave him a gentle kiss and started to mess around with his hair. "Go to sleep babe, you look so tired" I said as I pulled the blanket from the back of the sofa over him, he was too cute.


I'd finished my episode of Kardashians and looked down to see Zac fast asleep, his head resting on my lap, I grabbed my phone and took a photo.

'@Zendaya Reunited x'

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