Chapter 11

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4 weeks later

Zendayas POV

It'd had been just over a week since we'd wrapped up filming, everyone was super emotional that it had come to an end, and so was I, but I was so happy I could still see Zac, we only lived around 15 minutes away from eachother in hidden hills so we could still see eachother every day. I'd spend a couple if nights at home but not many, I was so used to staying with him that it felt weird being on my own.

Today I was at home though, having fittings for my dress for the premier that was in a couple of weeks, I was super excited for that, especially to see everyone again. I was wearing a butterfly dress, which some may say was a little out there but I really loved it, and I knew Zac liked it too.

We had both been approached by every radio station, TV show, and magazine to do an interview about our relationship, but none of them felt right, so we'd held off from it.

Tonight my parents we're coming over, they had been on vacation so I hadn't seem them for what felt like forever, and they were meeting Zac, they'd seen him on set when they visited but they hadn't met him as my boyfriend.


"Are you nervous?" I asked Zac as I fixed my hair, my parents were due to arrive any second and I could see Zac getting a little twitchy.

"A little, I mean ive met them before but never properly, just hi and bye, so yeah.. I am, what if they don't like me or they think im just this guy who dates everyone, that's what the stories all say" he said fixing his own hair in the mirror.

"Babe just relax, my parents are the most chill people you will ever meet, don't worry" I said kissing him on the cheek as the doorbell rang.

"Looks like they're here!"


"So you really ate worms and slept in a cave?!" my dad asked Zac in disbelief, they we're getting on like a house on fire.

"Yeah it was pretty crazy, I thought it'd be kinda easy like not real, but I was so wrong, it was intense!" Zac replied, talking about his time he spent with Bear Grylls.

"I'm so glad that they get on" I said to my mom as I poured a drink in the kitchen "Zac was super nervous you know."

"He's lovely Daya" my mom replied smiling "I'll be honest we were nervous at first, he's a big star who gets linked to everyone he talks to, but he seems to really be into you, im happy for you" she said pulling my into a hug.

I was so happy that it was all working perfectly, it was like Zac was just always part of the family.

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