Chapter 5

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Zacs POV

Today was incredible, I mean, aside from having to film the same few scenes over and over towards the end of the day because I just couldn't get my lines, although I think that's because I was a little distracted, today was awesome. I really wanted to see Z, really bad, but I didn't wanna wait down at the bar incase she didn't come, so I thought of something different.

I picked up the hotel phone and dialled though to her room, knowing which one she was in as she had told me.

"Hello?" I heard her say softly down the phone.

"Hey its me, you busy? I just wondered if you wanted to swing by my room, you left something earlier." I replied keeping my fingers crossed she'd say yes.

"Um yeah sure, 2 minutes" she replied as she put down the phone.

Zendayas POV

Darnell had took himself off to bed, it was only 8:30pm but he was exhausted, he'd been up since 5am when I got back... Oops.

I hadn't ever been to zacs room, how could I have left something?



I knocked on his door, which was only around 5 rooms down.

"Who is it?!" he called.

"You know who it is stupid" I teased as he opened the door a second later and welcomed me in.

"Hey! Your sofa is so much bigger than mine!" I joked frowning and crossing my arms.

"Well I guess you'll just have to sit on mine then instead" he winked back sitting down as I did too.

"Anyway, what did I leave? I don't remember leaving anything anywhere?"

Zac smirked before wiping the corner of bottom lip "oh just a little lipstick from earlier".

I blushed immediately.

"You are such a goofball I thought I was losing it and I'd actually left something at the set or something but no, instead you just pretended I have just so you could have me come over" I teased back playfully slapping his arm.

"And so what if I did... You're here aren't you?" he said back with a smirk on his face before leaning into me slightly.

"Zac we cant... You saw the papers the other day and that was only you holding my arm... As much as I want to..." I said back looking down.

He signed and took my hand.

"You know I want you... its not a secret I tried to hide..."

He sang before bursting out into laughter.

"You are such a jerk!" I laughed back pushing him back onto the sofa, he grabbed my arms and pulled me with him.

Zac continued laughing as I leant onto him, I looked up slightly at him.

"So you actually, you know... Like me?" I asked shyly.

"If thinking about someone all the time and making something up just to see them is liking someone then yeah... I guess I do." He replied smiling at me, my heart was racing.

"It's a good job I like you too then... Mr Carlyle" I said back in the exact tone id said it today when we filmed the scene.

Smiling at each other I then rested my head on his chest, not moving from the position id fallen into when we were joking around.


Zacs POV

We'd watched so much trash TV that again time had ran away with us, it was gone midnight and we hadn't moved from the sofa.

"We need to stop making a habit of these late nights hey Z" I said running my hands through her curls as she lay on me on the sofa. She never said anything.


I looked down a little more and saw she was sound asleep, I smiled to myself before grabbing the blacket that was behind me and throwing it over her before resting my head on the side of the sofa and drifting off myself.

My heart felt so warm. I could get used to this. 

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