Chapter 15

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Nobodys POV


'Its not a secret she's tried to hide! Is there a Disney baby on the way?!

Zac Efron's girlfriend Zendaya Coleman looks relaxed as she takes her dog on a quick walk down Verde Oak Drive. The Disney star sported a lose fit jumper for her walk and a juice carton, could this be a sign of something she's hiding?'

'ugh I cant read any more of this shit' Zendaya huffed out loud ad she slammed down her MacBook, as she did so her phone rang, it was Darnell

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'ugh I cant read any more of this shit' Zendaya huffed out loud ad she slammed down her MacBook, as she did so her phone rang, it was Darnell.

"Hey, I'm guessing youre calling over the 'baby scandal'' she said as she answered her phone.

"Girl what the hell, those news people could make a story from amything! Don't worry, has Zac seen it?" He asked concerned.

"I don't think so, he's just by the pool, we're off today aren't we so were just chilling out, I just came down from sorting out my dresser and putting some of my clothes into the wardrobe and I heard my phone going crazy so went online to take a look. I don't know what to do, if I deny it they wont believe me, if I say nothing they'll think I'm avoiding it." She said slightly bothered by the whole situation.

"Alright well first of all, calm down. Second, do a pap walk, put on something skin tight and go out, just go to starbucks or something and let them see theres nothing there, you'll be fine girl, but I gotta go, my emails are blowing up, talk later" Darnell replied blowing a kiss down the phone and hanging up.

Standing up and heading back to the wardrobe she grabbed her yellow bikini from her case, which she now couldn't be bothered to unpack, she got changed and headed downstairs and outside.

"Hey baby mama" Zac said wolf whistling as I walked over to the sun loungers.

I rolled my eyes "oh so you've seen it then."

"Yeah just seen it now, made the mistake of checking twitter whilst I was waiting for you, pay no attention to it babe, they just wanna write a story" he said standing up and kissing her gently before sitting on the edge of the pool.

All of a sudden he was taken back by a splash of cool water over him as Z dived in elegantly. Swimming back up and pushing her hair back out of her face she smiled at Zac.

"Stunning, just like Ariel" he teased before giving her a cheeky wink.

"Will you help me with something? Can you take a photo of me? I'm gonna post it on my socials so they can see im not 'pregnant'" Zen said walking out of the gradual side of the pool before grabbing her phone and passing it to her beau.


'@Zendaya There ain't no secret I've tried to hide🤷🏾‍♀️

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'@Zendaya There ain't no secret I've tried to hide🤷🏾‍♀️


"I'm super excited for tomorrow, but im also a little nervous" Zendaya said sitting down on the sofa with Zac.

Tomorrow she was heading to the studios to film with Opra, she'd always dreamt of being interviewed by her but now it was happing, she was a little apprehensive.

"What sort of stuff are you gonna be asked do you think, are you ruling anything out?" He asked back leaning back on the cushions on the sofa.

"I don't think so, I have nothing to hide, I know its gonna be all about you though, but I don't mind talking about you" she laughed "she's just known for her kinda harsh questions, but I'll be fine, I'm a big girl" she said in return taking her blanket from across the sofa and throwing it over them both.

"You look exhausted" she said.

"Me? No babe I'm not tired, I'm good, what shall we watch?" Zac said back, trying to hold back a yawn.

He was the worst liar.

*20 minutes later*


@Zendaya 'no babe, I'm not tired' 🙄 Good job he's cute!!❤️

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@Zendaya 'no babe, I'm not tired' 🙄 Good job he's cute!!❤️

Tagged: @ZacEfron

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