Chapter 10

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3 weeks later

Zacs POV

We were almost getting done with fimling, and so far, myself and Z had managed to keep our relationship quiet, Darnell knew, and i'm pretty sure Hugh knew, but he hadn't said anything, but seemed to always be smirking whenever he saw me and Z talking, he wasn't stupid, i think he knew.

We'd just finished filming This Is Me, and i looked over and Daya who was on her phone, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Message from Daya x

'We have a problem, meet me in the canteen in 5. PS. You look sexy af in those suspenders x'

Looked up and winked at her before nodding. What was wrong.


"Look at this" Z said showing me a series of tweets on her phone

"@ZacLover97 Ok so i know this might seem a little odd but follow me on this, here is a photo of Zac heading into his hotel room the other day, i took it when i spotted him. (yes im staying in the same hotel just to see him, i know, im crazy, but he's hot)."

Along side the tweet was as slightly blurred photo of me walking into my hotel room. How are these people even allowed to take these photos, i didnt even see her!

"@ZacLover97  Now look at this photo, Zendaya with a fan just yesterday, clearly with a hotel room key in her hand. With THE SAME number on the key as the door Zac was at"

Along with a photo of Z and some fans yesterday, and yes, you could see 201 on the key, the same number as on my hotel door.

"@ZacLover97 Also, look, zoom in on the logo on @Zendaya 's t-shirt, which is super big on her. Now look at this photo of Zac from last year, in the exact same top"

2 more photos were attached, and yes it was my t-shirt, Z had worn it when went to meet the fans, not thinking anyone would realise.

"@ZacLover97 Ok so im definitley not crazy, and i am 10000% sure that these two are dating and i ship them so bad!!! @ZacEfron @Zendaya IS IT TRUE!?"

"Oh shoot" i said worried looking at Z.

"Yep... I think we're busted. 3427 retweets, we'll be on the magazines before you know it, how are these people even legit like they should work for the CSI or something its crazy!" Z said taking a deep breath.

"Ok well we have 2 options, well 3 i guess.

Number one, we completly deny it, pretend we havent seen it and play it super cool and be super careful

Number two, we make an announcement, on instagram or to a mag or whatever, and say yes we're together

Or three, we just dont hide it but dont confirm it either, and let people just come to their own conclusions."

i said sitting down on a chair in the canteen and scratching my head.

"I think we post something, not saying 'hey guess what' but something super casual but also telling people, i have an idea" Z said smirking "leave it with me".


Zendayas POV

Heading back to the hotel was insane, and yes, the paps were all over us, i walked in 2 seconds before Zac, who was taking some last photos with some fans.

"Zendaya is it true you're dating Zac?"

"Zendaya are you and Zac an item?"

"Zac are you dating Zendaya?"

"Are you guys in a relationship?"


"Woah that was insane!" i said falling onto the sofa and sighing, i for sure cant deal with that every day, its crazy!" 

"I think we should tell people Z, we cant have this everyday its insane, i cant even post something without people harassing my post with questions" Zac said sitting down next to me and putting his feet up on the coffee table.

"Okay then, sooo..." i said as i began to scroll through my phone to find the picture i was looking for. 

I found it, a couple of weeks ago we had taken a photo when we were messing around, i had on Zac's baseball cap and he had on my glasses and we we're both pulling funny faces, Zac was pouting super hard, the photo was hilarious.

I opened up my insta and started to write a caption.

"@Zendaya When its a bad hair day and bae just want to perfect his pout #KeepTryingBabe #ThanksForTheHat"


Within seconds my page was blowing up with comments.

"We knew it!"


"Too cute! I'm legit dying rn"

"When is Zac gonna post?!"

"Omg please go live on insta together!"

 I laughed and just put my phone down.

"Well that was pretty easy i guess" i laughed as i put my legs over Zac and rested my head on the sofa and yawning.

"I am so tired already, its only like 7" i said stretching and pulling Zac's hoodie over me before closing my eyes.


Zacs POV

I finished texting my brother and looked over at Z, who was by now fast asleep, i smiled and pulled out my phone to take a photo, i knew she wouldn't forgive me for taking a photo of her sleeping, so i took it of her legs over me and my hand over her and posted it.

"@ZacEfron My happy place @Zendaya X"

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