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But Jimin held back his tears. If Jungkook is willing to give him everything just to make him stay here, then Jimin is special for Jungkook right?

"W-why?" Jimin asked as he regained his strength to ask an angry vampire beside him. "Why d-don't you want me t-to come back home?" Jimin asked, looking directly on Jungkook's naturally red eyes. "You won't kill me, right? S-so what's the point of keeping me here?" He asked again, trying hard not to stutter when he say his last words which is, "Am I important to you?" Jimin successfully asked him without stuttering in any word.

Jungkook's mouth agape, staring blankly at Jimin. He never thought Jimin would have strength to ask that question to him. Jungkook bit his bottom lip as he slowly leaned closer to Jimin, face is softened.

Jimin knew what's Jungkook doing so he too, leaned closer and then their lips met. Jimin saw how Jungkook slowly closed his eyes and he did the same. He love the feeling inside him when Jungkook's soft and wet lips touched his. Slowly, Jungkook cupped Jimin's cheeks to deepen the kiss.

Slowly, Jungkook pulled away from the kiss and open his eyes. Their faces are still close to each other. He could even feel Jimin's breath. And that hits him. "Jungkook, I can't feel your breathing!" Says Jimin then leaned his ear to Jungkook's chest.

"I don't have my heart there, honey. So no heart, no breathing." Jungkook grinned at him, looking at Jimin who slowly pulled his head up and look straight at him.

Jimin was about to say something but interrupted by a kiss from Jungkook.

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