New Blood, More Trouble

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I wasn't surprised by the news of the D.J.D. leaving after this unexpected turn of events. What did surprise me, was the news that I was to join them. This was concerning, it would be me on my own, with strangers, and worse still, in places, I was not at all familiar with. I wouldn't necessarily call Dawnstar a friend, but I did hold her to some degree of fondness. And the familiarity of having her in the same area as me was comforting. The D.J.D. had been nothing but welcoming this whole time, yet I still wasn't comfortable around them. Nothing against the team, but I felt like I didn't belong, and lately, Helex had been giving me suspicious looks. He looked away every time I returned his gaze, but occasionally I caught him glaring at me. I wasn't sure what I had done, but whatever it was he had taken it to spark.

Tarn had brought me down to the landing dock about three minutes ago with Vos and Kaon, for some target practice. Vos seemed vaguely bored the entire trip down, he was carrying a few different variations of rifles with him, two were snipers ironically enough. Kaon was struggling under the weight of several boxes of unknown type handguns and pistols. Tarn had the ludicrously enormous box of ammunitions, which had to weigh at least twice my weight. Tarn must be seriously ripped under all of that armor... nope. Not even letting myself have that image. Definitely not thinking about what Tarn looks like underneath his armor. Absolutely not. I am not Dawnstar, I do not have these thoughts. Yep. Never. And I am certainly not thinking about it right now. Nope.

 Anyway, I myself had a box of targets in one arm, as well as a few metal moving targets in the other. I hadn't gone shooting with anyone for practice/sport in a long while. Ever since the war started I had only had enough time and ammo for the real thing, for battle. I wondered if my aim had suffered over the years. When I was younger and naive I had been able to empty five clips without missing the bull's eye every time. I doubted I could now, my servo had begun to get twitchy ever since...ever since Flamecharge's execution. I quickly changed my train of thought as I felt my servo begin to shake and rattle the metal targets.

Tarn brought us to an empty lot outside of the base that faced a rock outcropping. I noticed that the rock was a softer grade, soft enough to absorb any stray bullets. The things Tarn kept in mind that I would never think of. 

"Right," Tarn said gruffly as he came to a halt. "We'll set up here." Kaon abruptly dropped his heavy load to the ground as soon as the words were out of Tarn's mouth, with an overdramatic sigh of relief. Vos rolled his optics at Kaon's childishness and set his rifles down in a much more adult fashion. 

We got the targets set up in about fifteen minutes, with tables set up the correct distance away to shoot and reload from. 

Vos took the sniper rifles and was tearing them apart and fiddling with the clips and reload bay inside of them. I couldn't really tell what he was doing but decided it might be best to leave him to it. Tarn had taken his fusion canon off and set it to the side, now he was reloading the clip to what seemed to be a semi-automatic pistol. Kaon was doing the same to a different handgun, the shells of the bullets he was loading into the clip were a vibrant red, a sign of ununtrium-alloy shells. Those were going to have a horrible kick. 

"Choose your poison," Kaon smirked as he shoved the box of choice weaponry to me. I gave him what I hoped was a thankful smile in return, then turned to make my choice. There was a promising looking 32' grade, but it was quickly overlooked when I laid optics on the dual wield fusion-charged 58's at the bottom. Oh yeah, this was going to be a fun day. 

Kaon glanced over at me when I pulled them out, "You think you can take the kick from those things? I mean, you are a femme... I'd hate for you to get hurt." Kaon's voice was condescendingly concerned, he actually believed I couldn't take the heat! That little glitch was going to get it! 

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