Part 2

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The bell rang, I started gathering my things, as I was putting my pencils and notebook in my backpack I didn't notice my silver switchblade fell out. I continued to put away my belongings and out of the corner of my eye I saw Stiles crouch down and pick it up, he looked at it for a sec and looked around to see if anyone else noticed, he slid the small blade into my hand and acted like nothing happened. I put the dagger away and zipped my backpack up and stood up.

"Steph, you ready for lunch?" Stiles asked while looking down at me, he was about 5'10", I was 5'1" so he towered over me.

"I'm starving," I replied while putting my backpack over my shoulders. Stiles offered his semi-muscular arm for me to take, I wrapped my arm around his, Scott joined us and we followed him out into the hallway. I could tell I was going to like this town. We ate our lunches outside, we joined two girls named Lydia Martin, and Malia Tate. I sat next to Stiles, I unzipped my backpack and took out my lunch which was only an apple and a bag of chips, when Dean and I got into town we didn't have a whole lot of time to go to the grocery store since Dean had to go investigate the murders.

"Steph, where did you get that leather jacket it's gorgeous?" Lydia asked me. I was wearing a black leather crop jacket with a long sky blue t-shirt, leggings, and my black Madden Girl Chandra Combat Boots.

"Oh, uh I'm not sure actually. My brother, Sam, got it for me for my birthday last month." I replied.

"Your brother has good taste," Lydia said with a smile.

"So, where are you from Steph," Scott asked.

"I'm from Lawrence, Kansas, I live with my two older brothers Dean and Sam," I answered while putting a chip in my mouth.

"What brought you to Beacon Hills," Stiles asked as he took a sip from his coke

"Uh. We came to Beacon Hills because my brothers are in the FBI." I answered while finishing my bag of chips.

"Wait, are your brothers investigating the murders that have been going on for the last few weeks," Stiles asked, with a curious look on his face.

"Yeah, they told me that they were pretty brutal murder scenes," I answered.

"My dad works for the Sheriff's Department and told me that these murders are bizarre the bodies are all clawed up and bloody and they have blood coming out of their eyes," Stiles answered as he tried throwing his trash in the garbage can that was near us and ended up missing.

"So how many bodies have turned up," I asked while taking a bite out of my apple.

"There has been two so far," Stiles answered.

"So, what does your dad think it is?" Lydia contributed to the conversation.

"He isn't sure," Stiles said as the school bell rang.

The final bell rang, I went to my locker to put my textbooks away, and it just so happened that my locker was next to Stiles locker.

"So how did your first day go Steph," Stiles asked as he shut his locker.

"It went pretty well, I thought I would have embarrassed myself today," I said with a chuckle.

"Your too pretty to embarrass yourself Steph, and I doubt anyone would have noticed anyway," Stiles said as we walked towards the exit.

"You think I'm pretty?" I asked giving him a confused look, but also secretly enjoying that he called me pretty.

"Did I say that out loud, I mean you are pretty... I just was trying to say that if you did embarrass yourself people probably would have thought you...." Stiles said with a panic look on his face.

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