Part 6

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I woke up from a deep sleep to find myself in a hospital bed, monitors were beeping behind me, my head was pounding, I put my hand up to my head to feel bandages on my forehead. I turned my head to the side and saw there was a clock on the far-left wall reading 1:00 am. I felt oxygen tubs in my nose and an IV in my right arm. I looked down to see my wrist was in a small cast. I also noticed Stiles sitting on a chair laying his head on my lap, and holding my good hand.

"Stiles?" I said with a raspy voice. His head slowly lifted off my lap, I noticed he had been crying his eyes were puffy and red.

"Steph!" Stiles said with sorrow in his voice.

"Did we catch whatever the hell that was?" I asked looking at his hazel eyes. My memory was a little fuzzy.

"We will worry about that later. You just need to rest alright," Stiles said he sat up and gently kissed me on the cheek. He pulled back giving me a small smile. I smiled back. We broke our stare from commotion coming outside the door.

"Sir, you can't go in there," a woman's voice said.

"Like hell I can she's my sister," Dean said as he opened the door. He had a worried and angry look on his face. Stiles let go of my hand and got up from his seat and stood in front of Dean.

"Dean, I take full responsibility for what happened, I never wanted Stephanie to get hurt," Stiles pleaded to Dean.

"You son of a bitch!" Dean yelled; he swung his arm up punching Stiles in the face knocking him to the ground; Dean got on top of him and continued punching.

"DEAN STOP!" I yelled. I yanked the oxygen tubes out of my nose and took hold of the IV stand. I approached Dean holding onto the IV stand with my right hand and grabbing onto his arm with my left hand to stop him, but he pushed me away. I heard footsteps walk into the door. I turned around to see Sam and Scott.

"I can't get him to stop," I said, tears falling down my face. Sam came up behind Dean and grabbed him by his arms pulling him off Stiles. Sam dragged Dean away from Stiles.

"Get the hell off me, Sam!" Dean yelled, and shoved Sam out of the way and came towards Stiles who had blood all over his face and shirt. Scott stood in front of Stiles stopping Dean.

"Get out of my way, kid," Dean addressed Scott, glaring at Stiles.

"No," Scott declared he stared at Dean and showed him his red eyes. Dean stepped back. He and Sam had shocked expressions. Stiles leaned up against the window. His left eye was starting to swell up. He brought his hand up to his face to try and stop the bleeding coming from his nose. I approached him grabbing a few Kleenex off the bedside tray and sat down next to him and with my good hand gently placed the Kleenex up to his nose.

"Stephanie, did you know about Scott?" Sam asked. I turned my head around to notice that Dean had left the room.

"They just told me last night," I said as I continued nursing Stiles.

"Stephanie, said that I could trust you and your brother, and you wouldn't try to hurt me or my friends," Scott said with a worried look on his face. Sam was silent for a moment and then spoke.

"As long as you're not the ones committing these murders, you can trust us, and I take it that you know that the murders are not caused by a mountain lion," Sam said.

"I figured it wasn't," Scott said.

I was lying back in my hospital bed, hooked up to oxygen again. Stiles got cleaned up and fell asleep on the pull-out couch, Scott left to see how Lydia and Malia were doing and said he would let us know if anything came up, and Sam went to go look for Dean. He returned with no Dean.

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