Part 4

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We gathered in the living room, Stiles and I sitting on the love seat while Sam sat in the recliner. And of course, Dean was pouring a glass of scotch at the bar.

"So, you and Scott went to the crime scene just to see a dead body?" Dean said suspiciously while sipping on his scotch, his eyes narrowed as he looked at Stiles.

"Yeah. I heard my dad talking about it over the phone while I was getting ready for school. I left before he did and told him that I had to run to Scott's house before school." He answered with a shaky voice as he rubbed his palms over his jeans.

"How did you get the cut then?" Dean asked. I knew by the look in his eyes, he didn't believe a word Stiles said.

"I fell in a hole," Stiles answered with a straight face. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped, causing all three men turned their attention to me with curious looks.

"I'm sorry. Continue." I tried to stifle my laughs and patted Stiles' leg, covering my mouth to hide my smile.

"Scott and I heard the cops approaching the scene, so we bolted out of there and as we were running, I fell." Stiles continued.

"I don't..." Dean started to say before he was interrupted by Sam's phone ringing. Sam got up from his seat and went into the kitchen, answering his phone quietly. After a few minutes, he came back into the living room and looked at all of us.

"That was Stiles' dad. He said they found another victim but she survived. He wants us to come and ask her some questions." Sam explained with a tone of anxiety.

"Can we come?" I asked and gave Sam my puppy dog eyes. Because Sam was younger than Dean, I knew he had more sympathy towards me. I watched as my brother looked to Dean and then back to me with a resigned smile.

"Yeah, you can come." Sam finally answered and tousled my hair with a smile.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Let me get my shoes," I said as I started heading toward the stairs before stopping, turning around to look back toward the loveseat. "Hey, Stiles. Do you want to come with me and gather your clothes?" I asked with a sweet smile.

"Sure," Stiles answered as he got up from the couch.

"Does he have to come up with you? Can't you can just grab his clothes for him?" Dean muttered as he turned to face me. "And I want my clothes back, kid." Dean grabbed Stiles' arms and growled.

"Dean, seriously. We're just going upstairs to grab my shoes and his clothes. It's not like we are going to go have sex." I huffed and rolled my eyes at my eldest brother. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Stiles' eyes grow wider when I mentioned sex.

"I don't trust him being alone with you, Steph. Especially after what I walked into earlier." Dean raised his voice, setting his glass down.

"Oh, so it's ok for you to bring random women to our hotel rooms or go into a different room and not come back until the next day? But heaven forbid, I have a guy in my room for a few minutes!" I screamed and started stomping down the stairs. Dean came closer, poised to start a screaming match. I felt Sam's tall frame slide between us and sighed with relief. Sam had to be the most level-headed out of us all, apart from Stiles.

"Alright, you two. We'll discuss this later, but right now, we need to start heading to the crime scene." Sam said with a calm voice. I scowled at Dean from behind Sam before grabbing Stiles' hand, leading him to my room.

"Hey! Leave the door open, Stephanie!" Dean yelled from downstairs. I ignored him, slamming the door so hard, the walls around us shook. Stiles looked around for his clothes that had been tossed around my room, folding them neatly to set them on my dresser. He grabbed his Vans that had been thrown to the other side of the room and sat on my bed and started tying them as I made my way to my closet and grabbed my black leather crop jacket and my black Combat Boots. I plopped down next to him and slid on my jacket.

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