Part 10

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Dean pulled into the parking garage of the hospital. We all got out of the car. I looked at Sam from across the hood of the car, he lifted his hand up and tossed me a leather object.

"What's this?" I asked as I looked down at the object, I opened it to find out it was an FBI badge, it had the Department of Investigation on the top left, had the Department of Justice big FBI lettering and my picture and at the bottom, it said Special Agent Holly Golightly.

"Does this mean I get to be part of the investigation? And that I'm forgiven for what happened last night." I said looking up at my brothers.

"Yes, and this is somewhat of an apology for kicking your 'boyfriend' ass last night," Dean said as we all walked to the entrance of the hospital.

"Alright, you're somewhat forgiven and you guys actually listened to me when I told you that whenever you guys would let me join you on your hunts that I wanted my FBI name to be Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's." I smiled up at my brothers.

We entered the hospital and headed towards the section of the hospital Charlie was staying in. We walked up to the nurse's station to see what room he was staying in.

"Hello, nurse Tara, I'm FBI agent Rapp, my partners and I were wondering what room Charlie Campbell was staying in?" Dean asked as he read her nametag. He and Sam pulled out their FBI badges and I followed suit. Tara looked up from the computer and looked up at Dean, her eyes got big. She put a big smile on her face when she saw how handsome my eldest brother was.

"Well hello, handsome," Tara said she leaned forward in her seat.

"Thank you," Dean said, he had a stupid smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and Sam nudged him out of the way.

"Excuse me my partners and I were wondering where Charlie Campbell's room was. We have some questions for him." Sam asked.

"Oh, sorry let me look his information up," Tara said as she started typing away at her keyboard.

"Mr. Campbell's room is number 20 it will be down the hall to your left," Tara said, she gave Sam a small smile but turn her attention back to Dean.

"Thank you, come on, Agent Rapp," Sam said as he grabbed Dean by the arm and pulled him away from the desk where the nurse motioned her hand up to her ear telling Dean to call her. We walked down the hall towards Charlie's room. The hospital was busy with nurses and doctors looking at charts, and checking on patients. We reached his room and a nurse came out holding a chart, she put it in the little slot that was hanging above the door. She noticed Dean and smiled at him, he nodded and watch her walk away, he smiled to himself.

"Seriously, Dean are you going to flirt with every nurse in here," Sam said with an annoyed tone.

"What, I'm allowed to look," Dean said. I opened the door to Charlie's room, Sam looked around before entering and grabbed the chart off the slot and opened it and started reading, Dean followed both of us. Charlie was restraint to the hospital bed and connected to a few different machines, he had an iv drip in his left arm and oxygen tubes in his nose. His eyes were covered with bloodstained gaze wrapped around his head, his blonde hair was matted down on his forehead.

"Excuse me, Mr. Campbell, my name is Agent Rapp, my partners Rapp and Golightly are here to ask you a few questions," Sam said. Dean and I said hello, Charlie was a little startled since he couldn't see us and we didn't knock before coming in. I walked over and noticed a clear bag with his clothes also the other half of the amulet was in it. I sat down in the chair next to the window. I looked over at Dean who wasn't paying a whole lot of attention. I cleared my throat getting Dean's attention he looked over and saw me pointing to the amulet, his eyebrows narrowed. He walked over and quietly opened the bag and grabbed the amulet and slid it in his pocket.

Blood Moon RisingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora