Part 9

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Stiles was lying on top of me. The only sound in the room was our heavy breathing. I could feel his chest fall and rise against mine. He rested his chin on my chest and looked up, he had a big grin on his face, his skin had some specks of sweat, his brown hair was messy.

"Did we do what I think we just did?" I could feel his warm breath against my exposed skin. I didn't answer him at first, I was still recovering.

  "Babe?" Stiles said, taking me out of my pleasured daze.

"What?" I said out of breath, I looked down at him. I pushed my hair off my sweaty forehead.

"We just had sex, right, and I did that last thing..." Stiles said.

"Yes, and that last thing was... the best," I said, I felt my cheeks burn.

  "So, do you want to try that thing again, or?" Stiles raised his eyebrows up at me. A soft giggle left my mouth.

   "Let me recover first Stiles," I raised my eyebrows at him. I brought my hand up to his hair and started playing with it.

    "I guess we don't want to get too carried away, or you'll be walking funny in the morning," Stiles smirked. I smiled down at him, I noticed he still looked a little beat up from earlier. I chuckled to myself.

"What's so funny?" Stiles asked.

"Dean landed a couple of good ones on you, didn't he?" I said. I continued to play with his hair.

"I know, he fucked my beautiful face up," Stiles said he raised his head up a little. It caused me to laugh.

"I think I like this look, the little cuts and bruises make you look little rough around the edges, it's kind of sexy," I said.

"Really?" Stiles shifted his body so he could look up at me better.

"Yeah, you kind of have that Kurt Russell look from Escape from New York," I said.

"You're comparing me to Snake Plissken? But I don't have an eye patch or the flowless hair." Stiles pursed his lips towards the end and then laughed.

"Ok, ok, that was a terrible example, my bad... alright, let me think of a better one." I giggled. I began to think back to all the action/thriller movies I had to watch with my brothers growing up. Stiles brought his hand up and began to trace his finger up and down the side of my chest waiting for me to think of a better action hero. His touch made me shiver just a little.

"Alright, I have a better example... Brad Pitt's, Tyler Durden from Fight Club." I said with a smirk. 

"Nice, I will take that as a compliment," Stiles said he leaned up and kissed my tattoo then he passionately kissed me on the lips then rolled off me, and began to make his way off the bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked I turned around on my side.

"I'm going to go take a piss," Stiles said as he stood up. I watched him walk away from the bed, I noticed that he had a really nice ass. Stiles bent down to pick up his shorts that he threw on the floor earlier.

"No, no, keep the pants off," I ordered him. Stiles turned around, his eye brow was raised.

"Why?" Stiles asked. I couldn't help the stupid grin that was forming on my face.

"You have a cute ass." I smiled. Stiles chuckled, shook his head and made his way to the door, right before he walked out he smacked his ass, causing me to laugh.

"I already know I have a nice ass, Winchester," Stiles yelled from the hallway.

Stiles returned from the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He charged the bed, dove in, then started to tickle around my left ribs. I laughed and through broken words, told him to stop. 

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