Part 11

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2 weeks later

I woke up in Stiles' bed hearing a voice echoing from downstairs, I slowly open my eyes. The clock read "1:00 a.m." I sat up and brought my hand up to my head pushing my hair out of my face. I pulled the covers off me and climbed out of bed.

I made my way to the door and pulled it open slowly, and heard a different voice talking, I popped my head out the door, to find out that Stiles and Scott were having a conversation. I walked to the railing and leaned my head over the railing and looked down the steps.

"I don't know what to do Scott. She just won't talk to me, the past few weeks she constantly wakes up screaming then she acts likes nothing happens, but I can see it in her eyes that she's in pain," I heard Stiles say.

"Have you talked to her brothers about it," Scott asked

"No, I thought about it but I bet Dean would think I'm bullshitting...or fuck I don't know,"

"You told me that Sam understood what she went through with these nightmares,"

"Yeah, I guess I could call him tomorrow and tell him about it," Stiles said.

They were quiet for a few moments until Scott broke the silence.

"I know you're not going like this idea... but, have you thought about seeing if she could see a therapist at Eichen," Scott suggested.

My heart sank at his words.

"What the fuck, man. I can't put her through that. She would lose her damn mind. Look what it did to me and look what they put Lydia through. I can't watch the same thing happen to Stephanie..." Stiles said raising his tone and paused. "Or maybe it's the right thing to do?... I don't know."

"Ok, it was just a suggestion," Scott said.

I couldn't listen anymore. I quietly got back up, went into Stiles' room, and grabbed my bag and jacket off his desk chair. I slipped my white and black checkered Vans on and rushed out of his room. I flew down the stairs and walked straight past them.

"Hey, Steph," Stiles greeted. "Hey, wait, where are you going?"

I said nothing and went straight for the door. I turned the knob and began opening until a hand pressed against the door slamming it. I whipped my head and saw Stiles standing next to me. I tried opening the door again, but Stiles repositioned his feet and pushed the door back closed. I turned around and he pinned me against the door still pressing his right hand into the door, then he pushed his left hand onto my sternum to keep me from avoiding him.

"Hey, what's up with you," Stiles spat.

My emotions welled up in my stomach and I started breathing deeper and faster. My eyes intensely locked with Stiles' eyes.

"Steph, I'm sorry if you overheard us," Scott interjected. "We were going to talk to you once you woke up."

"It sounds like you already figuring everything out," I snapped.

"Steph, we're just worried about you," Scott said.

Stiles maintained a blank stare at me.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" I said to Stiles.

"Scott and I were only saying that if you're having these hallucinations, maybe you should see someone about them," Stiles said.

"Really? Scott, you would suggest sending me there?" I asked. "And my own boyfriend would consider going through with it?"

"So, being concerned about you makes me a bad boyfriend now?" Stiles asked.

"Don't make yourself the victim."

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