Chapter 2: Mystery

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November 9th, 2018 1:30PM

Corbyn's POV

We woke up to still see thick brown smoke outside the venue's windows. It's been a whole day of this "lockdown." As far as we know, the fires are only growing.

In the afternoon, the boys and I ventured to a single, tiny room above the green room. There was a floor length window on one wall, where we could see over the smoke, but only a little bit. Tyler warned us about going up there, but it seemed pretty safe to me.

"Is this like, an office or something?" Jack wondered out loud.

"Could be," Daniel responded.

Before anyone could say another word, we heard a huge explosion-sounding boom. The building shook, causing us to stumble and lose balance. We looked at each other with wide eyes, and Zach even let out a shriek.

"Over there!" I pointed at the window where an even bigger column of dark smoke rose up in the air. Even through the thick air we could see the source: a bright fire-ball burning what looked like a round building and a large plot of land.

Our faces were pressed to the warm glass, staring intriguingly at the mystery area, until we watched with our own eyes, another explosion. This time, the smoke and ring of fire shot away from the source in a millisecond, and a shake that probably hit all of Anaheim followed. We actually fell back in shock from the impact hitting the window.

All five of us screamed a little, and stood back from the window. Tyler ran up the stairs yelling Daniel's name out of concern for his little brother. He pulled us downstairs; we'd never run away from anything faster. Through the green room and out into the orchestra we ran, out of breath.

My first instinct told me to check my phone. Nothing was working. No signal read the top of my screen.

"Are you serious?" I cried out of frustration. "The explosion must have knocked out the server."

"Oh no now what?" Jack said with a worried look.

"Okay boys, split up," Tyler said, ever the planner. "Corbyn, try to find a signal in the green room. Jonah, search for a radio or something. The rest of you, spread out. Try everywhere to get a signal."

We dispatched and did as told, but nothing seemed to give in to our efforts. For a few hours we tried everything to reach anyone, but we were beyond hope. It was starting to get late, so we decided to give up for the night and sleep.

I woke up to a loud banging sound. Not like an explosion sound, more like a person bumping into something sound. I stood up and slowly walked over to the green room. I could hear Jonah following; I guess he woke up too. Another sound arose from the room we were approaching. Not gonna lie, I'm a little bit scared right now.

Just as I was about to open the door, we heard a low growl and the sound of slow footsteps. Jonah's eyes widened, so I grabbed his arm and took a few steps to hide behind the equipment near the stage. What we saw next could not compare to anything.

A man came out of the green room, whom I quickly recognized as our bus driver. But it wasn't him. His eyes were reddish gold, his face was crinkly and scratched, and he had a few red swollen splotches on his arms. He looked like a— I have know idea what. Jonah and I both had to bite our tongues to keep from screaming. The— thing didn't see us but he looked around the empty venue, quickly spotting Tyler sleeping in one of the seats in the back.

I gasped a little to myself as the zombie? freak? growled again and walked toward Bam Bam, Daniel's beloved brother. Jonah grabbed me and pulled me quietly back on the stage where our band mates were sleeping. As the freak got closer to Tyler I couldn't hold it anymore.

"TYLER!" I yelled, the noise snapping the freak's head to me. But Bam Bam was still closer to him, so his attention returned to a very scared and confused Tyler. The other boys woke up in no time and screamed a little— okay fine, a lot. Tyler looked around and just as the thing got within arms reach, he jumped up and bolted across the venue. The freak was surprisingly fast, and I screamed.

"TYLER RUN! RUN!" we all yelled at our manager. Run he did; he ran to the staircase up to that mystery room. We followed after, which probably wasn't a good idea, but we did anyway. The thing was growling hungrily which made me even more terrified.

Tyler screamed and panted as he got into the room, seconds before the freak, seconds before us. The five of us huddled at the door and watched in absolute terror as the freak cornered him, then took a bite out of Tyler's arms. His eyes almost popped out of the sockets, and the loudest and most horrified shriek left Tyler's lips. The rest of us screamed too, unable to comprehend what had happened.

"TYLER!" Daniel yelled and started to run into the room to pry the freak off of his brother, but I quickly retaliated and grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

"BOYS GO! RUN! GET AWAY!" Tyler managed to bark at us. "NOW DANIEL RUN!"

"NO TYLER NO IM NOT LEAVING YOU!" a sobbing, screaming Daniel yelled back. Zach grabbed him and pulled him downstairs as Jonah quickly slammed the door.

"Quickly, get me something to barricade the door!" he yelled at us. "Hurry!"

Jack and I found a crowbar, I don't know how, and brought it to Jonah. He latched it between the looped door handle and the iron lock, to ensure the freak couldn't get out of the room.

Panting, we came downstairs to find a tear stained and broken Daniel. We all wrapped him into a huge hug. We were all crying, but we were more shocked and confused than anything.

For the next few hours, even though it was the middle of the night, none of us slept. There was no more noise from the upstairs room. We all laid down on the stage and thought about what happened. Little sobs and cries from Daniel every now and then forced me to move my stuff next to him, to comfort him.

At around 7 or 8 next morning, we heard a knock, well more like a pound, on the venue doors. In fright, we all jumped back and looked at each other in confusion.

We dared to walk over to the door as the pounding continued. As we got closer, I could make out a voice, a female's voice. Not a growl, I could even hear "open up."

With my hand on the door, ready to slam it closed if needed, I looked to the other boys for approval. They nodded. Well, here goes.

Thank you for reading! I'm so freaking (hehe) excited I hope you felt something cause I did. Also I'm so sorry for killing Bam Bam I swear I don't want to so IM SORRY. it's for the plot lol. Remember that i am getting some of these images from the hulu show "freakish" so watch it if you want to understand (it's really gruesome though) Love you💖

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