Chapter 25: Acopolypse

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"Everybody! Can I have your attention please!" Sheriff Beckham just arrived by jet, carrying news from LA. "The city has been cleared! The snow is melting, and smoke is wiped, the raiders are all hunted down! We can go back home!"

We all cheered. Dylan wearily smiled from the cot next to me. Her heart rate was slow, but as soon as we get back to LA, we can get professional help. I carried her onto the jet and grabbed our bags.

Sitting on the jet, flying over the ocean, LA just coming into view, with my bros Zach, Jack, Daniel, and Jonah in front of me, my beautiful girlfriend, Dylan, next to me, her sister, Peyton, on the other side of her, I knew everything was going to be fine from here.

"Bro, I'm so glad this acopolypse is over," Zach said, making Jack facepalm himself.

I turned to Dylan and smiled. "I'm glad we met you, or else we'd probably be dead. We survived this together, this acopolypse."

~The End~

[✔️] Acopolypse ~ Corbyn BessonWhere stories live. Discover now