Chapter 8: Invasion

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Corbyn's POV

There's something fishy going on between Dylan and Daniel. Not gonna lie, I am kind of jealous that he got Dylan to himself. Wish I could.

I followed Dylan out into the living room, where all six of us were sitting, bored. Nothing to do, nothing to say.

Suddenly, Jack jumped up. "Guys, did you see that?"

"What?" the rest of us said in unison.

"I thought I saw a person outside," he said with wide eyes. We slowly stood up and walked towards the slider door. The smoke made it fairly difficult to see, but just as Jack claimed, someone or something was wandering around the yard.

"It could be a freak," I wondered aloud. Dylan nodded beside me. The figure stumbled closer to the window, and in seconds jumped up against the glass, revealing a bloody and shriveled face.

Zach and Jonah shrieked. We all stepped backwards, surprised by the freak's sudden movements. The freak was growling and yelping unrecognizable words. Dylan was trying to understand; I could tell by her concentration face.

"Dyl, I don't think anyone could understand that gibberish," I said and laughed. She half-smiled back.

Jonah looked back out the window and squealed, "There's another one!"

In fact, there were five more. Just casually hanging out in our backyard. A sixth freak approached the window, intensifying the horrid sound.

"I hope they fall in the pool and drown," Zach said with a straight face. I rolled my eyes.

"Nice try, buddy." I pat his shoulder. "They're attracted to us. They want to eat us."

"Shit," Dylan muttered under her breath.

I nodded. "What she said."

"Okay, well, I don't think we can stay here with those freaks outside," Daniel stated. "We either need to get the hell out, or-"

"Or we have to figure out how to get rid of them," Jack finished.

"They won't leave on their own," I acknowledged. "What's something that would scare them away?"

"Scare them?" Dylan scoffed. "When you find a way to scare a pack of zombie freaks that we don't know anything about besides the fact that they eat humans and they look ugly, then you can talk to me."

I giggled. "Well what did you have in mind, oh great one?"

"Wild animals?" Jonah suggested.

"Fire?" Daniel offered.

"Seriously?" I said.

"Well, I don't think anything can walk through fire," Dylan reasoned.

"And for all we know, they're avoiding the fires," Zach added.

"Well we can't set our backyard on fire." Jack grinned. "Makes no sense."

"And we can't sacrifice anyone." Dylan stared at me with frightened eyes.

"Why would you ever have a thought like that?" She laughed.

"What if we had someone go outside and like, shoot them?" Daniel said.

"Well, I would let you borrow my guns, but that would be extremely risky for that person," Dylan responded.

"But we have to do something," Jonah said matter-of-factly. "We can't just sit here."

"But someone could get hurt," I worriedly said. "I'm not willing to risk on of you."

"Someone could hop in my Jeep and run over them?" Jack wondered aloud.

"But we'd have to lure them out of the yard into the driveway, and still get in and out of the car alive," Zach stated.

Dylan nodded. "All the more reason. I don't want to risk anyone either."

Daniel paced the floor in front of us. "We have to do something. And we have to do it fast."

i'm back yeet yeet. i'm tryna make the chapters 50% shorter to drag out the story lol i'm lazy.
love ya💖

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