Chapter 18: Fake Smile

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"Dylan, are you okay?" Jack asked her, sitting on the couch across from her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she lied. She smiled, but I could tell she was faking it. We've stressed her out too much. Shit.

I watched Zach sit down next to Peyton and casually put his arm around her shoulder. Cute. I didn't really expect to have this much love in the house, especially at this point in time.

On which subject, the apocalypse weather is gradually changing. The smoke has turned from orange-y to a more yellow or white tone. Also, the thermostat read 64° outdoor temperature. Considering it was 80° last week from the fires, I think something is happening. Something good, I hope.

Later that day, I found Dylan rummaging through the pantry, looking for a snack or something. Jace strolled into the room, and grabbed her arm.

"What do you want, Jace," she said, keeping her eyes closed to avoid the eye contact. I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was done.

"I just want to see how you're holding up," he said, trying to be sweet. It's not working, jerk. Haven't learned anything, have you? "Thought you needed something to cheer you up."

He bent down and tried to kiss Dylan. She pushed his face away and said, "ew, stop."

"Babe, what's your problem?" Jace exclaimed, putting his hands on his hips. "I'm just trying to be nice."

"Well I don't need you to be nice, okay?" She shot back. "I just want to be alone for a little bit. And when I do need someone, it won't be you."

She stormed out of the kitchen and ran straight into Jonah. He tried to rub her shoulder, but she grunted and ducked out of his reach. I knew I shouldn't disturb her, but if anyone, she'll talk to me, right? I decided to follow her upstairs.

"Go away, Corbyn," she said from the door. How she saw me, I don't know.

"Dylan," I pleaded. "You're not happy. I want to help."

"You can't help, I'm afraid," she said, wiping the tears that fell from her green eyes.

"Do you want me to throw Jace out and lock Jonah in the closet?" I asked, laughing. She grinned back, weakly.

"Maybe," she replied. "And know I have to make sure that Zach doesn't hurt Peyton."

"He wouldn't hurt a fly, he's such a baby," I said. I sat down next to Dylan on the bed.

"I know nothing is great right now, but it could be worse," I comforted.

"Corbyn, this is the apocalypse," she said with a straight face.

"Okay fine," I rolled my eyes. "But, like, it's not doing anyone good just being sad. We have to make do with what we have. Be happy while we can be."

"Y-you're right, Corbyn, thank you." She looked up at me and kissed me. It was just as magical as our first kiss, maybe better. "Then, I'm yours."

"Promise me one thing, Dyl."


"No more fake smiles," I said, completely serious. She nodded and smiled a genuine, authentic smile.

"Fuck a fake smile."

another ari reference i'm killing the game. also #Dylbyn now exists, shoutout to Riley_Wdw_story for helping me make the ship name. you're all welcome. love ya💖

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