Chapter 11: Intruder

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Jonah's POV (new POV yayyyyy)

The boys and I watched as Dylan and Corbyn ran back through the driveway and hopped in Jack's Jeep. As they pulled away, the freaks clawed the back of the truck. I saw Jack squeeze his eyes shut and fix his hair. His precious car, aw. Sorry buddy.

As the car disappeared from sight, the remaining four of us slouched against the door, safe from the freaks that were now running after our best friend.

"I hope Corbyn is okay," Zach said. "He's the only one who would survive an acopolypse."

"Bro," Jack rolled his eyes. "Say. the word. correctly."

"But what about Dylan?" I protested. "She needs to be okay too. She seems like she knows how to survive."

"But she's the one who got us in this mess in the first place," Daniel said, standing up.

"What do you mean?" Zach asked. "If she didn't suggest we drive to Target and then back home, we'd probably still be at that venue, starving."

"Never mind," Daniel started to walk away. "But just know that she's not as nice as she looks."

"What the hell is he talking about?" I said to the others as Daniel left the room.

"No clue," Jack said. He stood up and started to walk into the living room.

"He's probably just jealous that Corbyn is wrapped around her little finger," Zach added. "Hey, Jack, you up for a game of Fortnite?"

"You know it," Jack replied, helping Zach off the ground.

That left me sitting by myself, thinking about what Daniel and Zach said. Corbyn is wrapped around her little finger. Are Corbyn and Dylan a thing? I mean, she kind of stays next to him a lot. Little does she know the feelings I have for her.

And what did Daniel mean? She's not as nice as she looks. What does he know about her? What secret are they hiding?

Then I heard a knock on the door behind me. I jumped to my feet as the other guys ran up next to me, eyes wide with fear. It was a real knock, like a human knock. And it's to early for Corbyn and Dylan to be back. Before we had time to think, the person knocked again. We heard a yell come from the other side of the door.

"Jo, open it slowly," Daniel advised. I let the door open just a crack, only to see a girl push in. Intruder. I shut the door, and we all turned towards the girl standing in front of us. She looked like she was maybe 17, and she reminded me of Dylan a little bit.

"Oh my god, thank you so much for letting me in," she said, out of breath. "I've been outside for too long."

"Who are you?" Zach asked.

"Peyton," she said, stretching her hand out to shake with each of us. "Peyton Taylor."

"Wait," Jack questioned. "Taylor? Do you by any chance have a sister named Dylan?"

"YOU KNOW HER?" Peyton's eyes became as big as saucers. "SHE'S ALIVE? WHERE IS SHE?"

"You're her sister," Daniel said, not even asking, just stating.

"No shit sherlock," Peyton said. I admit, I was surprised. This girl's got a mouth on her. Just like Dylan.

"Dylan and our other friend Corbyn are....out...right now," I said, trying to conceal the details until later.

"Huh," she looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. "You have some explaining to do."

"Not as much as you," Daniel said.

"Okay, seriously bro, what's going on?" Zach asked. I waited for Daniel's response.

"Let Peyton tell ya."

"Did she tell you?" Peyton asked Daniel. He nodded. "Well then, I guess I'll tell you. Can I sit down though? And get some food, please?"

By the time Peyton finished the story, there sat one homesick girl, one know-it-all boy, and three more equally shocked guys in our living room.

this chapter probably didn't make sense but basically Peyton told the guys the story that Dylan told Daniel a while back. same story.

break up with your girlfriendddddd yuh yuh cause i'm boredddddd :))))))))) love ya💖

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