Chapter 13: Traitor

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We drove back to the compound, and luckily I knew how to. I pulled the Jeep into the driveway and looked around for freaks. I didn't see any, but I threw Dylan's mask to her. We quickly and quietly ran to the door and knocked.

Jonah opened the door immediately with a smile and let us in. We took our masks off and closed the door.

"You're back!" Jonah said, giving me a hug. "Dylan, someone's here for you."

Quizzically, she walked into the living room. There sat a girl who looked like....wait, it's her sister! Dylan stood in shock for a minute before jumping up and giving Peyton a hug.

"Peyton, oh my gosh, you're okay," Dylan said into Peyton's neck. The sisters pulled away and smiled.

"Corbyn, this is my sister, Peyton." The girl, who looked like she was 17, shook my hand.

"So what happened while we were gone?" I asked the guys.

"Well, Peyton found us, obviously," Daniel smirked. "And she told them how she and Dylan basically caused all of this."

"But they didn't, okay," I protested. "The big fires started the day before."

"But they certainly didn't help," Jack said, glaring at Dylan. "You thought you could just come in here, when you're the one who got everyone in this mess in the first place? And not even tell us? That's messed up, Dylan."

"Now look here," Dylan shot back at him. "I am the one who helped you guys get out of that venue and get food. And I'm very grateful for letting me stay with you."

"Yeah right," Jack argued. "I bet you guys planned this to get attention, nothing to do with your father."

"Hey hey hey," Peyton joined the line of fire. "My sister has been abused by our father. And we lost our mother when I was a baby. So you can't say that any of this is a lie."

"Dylan and Peyton don't deserve any of this disagreement, they've been through enough," Jonah added.

"Amen," I said under my breath.

"Well they're not safe," Jack said. "I wouldn't trust them."

"If that's how you feel, Peyton and I can leave," Dylan said.

Peyton, Zach, Jonah, and I all yelled "no" in unison.

"Dylan, we can't leave."

"You don't have to leave."

"Please stay."

"Please, Dylan, he didn't mean it," I said. "He'll forget about when he's in his right mind." Jack scoffed.

"Fine, we'll stay," Dylan rolled her eyes. "But I'll have no more protesting and calling me a liar." She looked right at Jack, and he just crossed his arms.

"Good, now that's settled."

Then, we heard a knock at the door.

haha cliffhanger yeet boi. double update, we stan. love ya💖

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