Ch. 8 - Satan

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V. 

It's been almost a week since I fainted, and still can't remember what happened. I know it's important, but whatever is going on, I feel like someone has placed a spell on me. There's also a new warlock at the school, and honestly something about him scares me. He is not good, and I'm pretty sure about that, so I have been avoiding him.

It was nighttime, and I'm getting ready to go to sleep, when I see Scathach floating on top of me 

"My child, you need to break the memory binding spell" She whispered "You need to remember the truth, you and the coven are in danger" She mumbles 

"I don't have the power to do this, but you do, repeat after me" She again mumbles

"Virtus negation, negatio exponentia, Nunc!" She says before disappearing 

I'm obviously skeptical, but I know something is wrong, and I know someone is out to get me but I'm not sure who. 

I decided to try the spell out 

"Virtus negation, negatio exponentia, Nunc!" I shouts as I feel lightheaded as pass out 

When I wake up I'm in a dream, then I see it, the day of the announcements. I can see my power leaving my body, and heading towards Michael Langdon, then I see it.  The white demon face, all comes back to. 

When I wake up, it's morning, It's the day I have to take the test of the seven wonders. "Michael Langdon" I mumbled to myself as I rushed out of my bed to change into something somewhat formal since I might be a supreme after today. I grab my black coat, my black shirt and black skinny jeans, and change quickly 

I rush out of my room, only to be greeted by Langdon "I see you've broken the spell" He chuckles, his hands are bloodied

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I rush out of my room, only to be greeted by Langdon "I see you've broken the spell" He chuckles, his hands are bloodied. "The witches are gone, and your coven is next" He laughs

I immediately use my telekinesis to push him away, but there was nothing there. 'W-what was that ?!' I cried to myself and rush to see Namjoon. 

I rush to Namjoon's officed and slam the door behind me "Namjoon, the witches coven is in danger ! Michael Langdon,  he is evil, a demon of sorts!" I cried as I gasp for air

Yoongi and Namjoon look at me in shock "Call them now !" I cried as I keep trying to regain my composture 

Namjoon does so, but there's no answer. We all are quiet "Where is Langdon !" Namjoon shouts 

"I'll find him, I'll put the coven under a spell !" Yoongi shouts as he rushes out of the office "You have to take your test now, we'll need all the strength two supreme's have to fight a demon" Namjoon reassures me 

"You could never win, I'm not just a demon, I'm the antichrist" The voice of Langdon echoes through the room 

"Let's go!" Namjoon grabs my hand and leads me outside of the coven 

"Chant with me" He instructs 

" Any unwanted spirits and negative energy, you must leave now. Any evil presences, leave this space. Only light and healing energy is allowed in here. Negative energies, you must leave now. Evil presences, leave this space. Only light and healing energy is allowed here." We both chant as a cloak of white mist covers the whole are 

"Now let's go!" He instructs as I follow behind him 

------- Time Skip ----- 

We arrive at the testing site, and so the seven wonders. And the testing begins 

(Pretend Michael in this clip is (Y/N) 

And so we were at the last part of the test Descensum

I was scared, I have never done this before. If I fail this, I die. 

"You can do this (Y/N), I believe in you baby boy" Namjoon tries to cheer me up, and give me confiden

I lay down on the floor, I close my eyes and start chanting the spell 

"Spiritu duce, in me est. Deduc me in tenebris vita ad extremum, ut salutaret inferi. Descensum!

I feel my soul leave my body, and once I open my eyes, I am working at the drive thru at fucking Burger King. "Fuck... is this were I am going when I die!" I whine as I try to find a way to leave the place, I couldn't. I start panicking as I hear people yelling their order at me

I let out a shriek, and suddenly I am back in the living realm. I gasp for air, as I slowly sit up as I try to adjust to being here 

"How long was I gone for?" I asked Namjoon as he helps me get up "Twenty one hours" He explained worriedly 

"Oh no, the coven" I mumbled as I get up 

"I Kim Namjoon, the warlocks supreme, I declare you supreme of the Scathach coven" He smiles "They are okay, I called them less than five minutes ago, now let's go, we have visitors from the witches coven" He says to me seriously as we rushed to the coven 

------- Timeskip ---- 

Once we head inside, I see Yoongi waiting for us "Miss Cordelia is downstairs waiting for the two of you, there were only a handful of survivors" Yoongi explained as we both headed to the conference room.  

I saw a blonde woman, wearing a long black cape, I assumed she was the supreme "Oh you must be (Y/N), the new supreme, nice to meet you, I am Cordelia Goode, The supreme of the witches" She smiled kindly at me 

And so the meeting started about Langdon, he is the anti christ , and he is trying to kill every witch and warlock that he can. We both warlocks and witches now have to find a way to stop him

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