Ch. 11 - Tempus Infinitum

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V. 

(Y/N) was listening to the ideas, the craziest one was talking about tempus infinitum, the power to travel back in time, and able to change events. 

(Y/N) thought the idea was crazy, that they would even think to let everything happen, to just go back in time. 

"Mallory has the power to change everything, she can do it" Cordelia explained 

"No... We can't let this happen, we are already in danger of extinction" Namjoon said angrily as he stood 

"What choice do we have" Marie said "Unless you have a better plan" Marie snapped walking way too close to Namjoon for my liking. 

I immediately got in between the two "I want to try this spell" I say growling 

They looked at me in shock. "Y-You want to try this? Then you should know, should you fail to perform this spell, you will pay with your life" Cordelia explained as she walked closer to me "Follow me to the bathroom" She instructed and I did as told. 

Everyone else followed me, Namjoon walking next to me. Before getting inside, he grabbed my arm "You don't have to do this... please.. I'm scared" Namjoon whispered softly to me, clearly worried about me 

"I'll be okay my love" I say smiling, kissing his cheek before heading into the bathroom to see the bathtub being filled with water. 

"You have to concentrate on this even, we are going back to 1964 and stop the bloody face murderer" She said as she handed me a gun. 

I lay down on the tub full of water, concentrating on the time, trying to picture the asylum where he worked at. I see it in the distance. I could hear the screaming, the pain of the people there. 

"Tempus Infinitum" I recite before being dunked under the water 

---------------                                                    1964                                                 -----------------------

 "Dominique, nique, nique s'en allait tout simplement

Routier pauvre et chantant

En tous chemins, en tous lieux, il ne parle que du bon Dieu" 

I was standing in the middle of an room, filled with patients. I looked around confused, when I see a nun staring at me "And who might you be? Dressed up all in black" The nun said to me. Even though she was a nun, I could sense evil coming from her. 

I refused to answer her, and started walking past her "Seize him, and place him in a room" She instructed thee two guard to tried to seize me, but with a flick of my fingers they flew past me and into the the walls 

I smirk and look at her "You don't fool me sister... I know you are evil" I say to her, only to get slapped by her 

I freeze at the slap, never would I have thought that I would get slapped by a nun. I walk away, looking for bloody face 

As I walk around I run into another woman. She glares at me "Warlock" She hisses and the next thing I know I am pinned down on the floor by an invisible force "Oh you came to the wrong place little wizard... My son will never lose to your kind" She laughed before hitting me in the head, and knocking me out 

No one's P.O.V

Sister Marie Eunice dragged the body back to the common area "Sister Jude, I found this man passed out in the hallway" She said innocently 

Sister Jude smirked "Bring him to a room, and make sure he is retraint, I'll set up his paper work" She said before walking back into the her office. 

Sister Marie brought him to his room, smirking "You'll never leave this place now" She said as she tighten the retrains. 

Hours went by before (Y/N) woke up. A weird machine attacked to his head. "Oh you are finally up, It seem you believe you are a wizard. But not to worry, electro shock therapy will fix you up" Sister Jude said smiling as she placed the two cotton balls attached to the machine on (Y/N)'s temples. 

Sister Marie Eunice turned it all the way up, sending electric waves all throughout (Y/N)'s body. A wave of pain making it's wave through all of his body. However, his body slowly started to disappear, then his body was gone from the bed 

"Damn warlock" Sister Marie Eunice curses under her breath

-------------------                      Back to the present 2018      ----------------------

Namjoon's P.O.V. 

(Y/N) jumped out of the tub screaming, blood coming out from his ear, eyes and nose. He looked at us confused. He seemed scared

"G-Get away from" He started screaming in full panic

I rushed to him to hug him "Shhh... It's okay you are back" I whisper into his ear, slowly I can feel his breathing calming down more. I tighten my grip around him, and pick him up "We'll finish up the plans in the morning, right now he needs his rest" I say angrily

"Yes, right now, Mallory and (Y/N) are the only ones able to stop Michael" Cordelia explained, looking worried 

"Look Namjoon, we can't do much, but we have to believe in them. Have faith, if you love him, believe in him" She said smiling to me before walking out of the room along with the other witches and the voodoo queen. 

I let out a sigh and carry him to my room, and placing him down on the bed "I'm sorry for not believing in you... I-I'm just scared of losing you" I cry softly as I lay down next to him, hugging him from behind, slowly falling asleep. 

Jimin's P.O.V. 

I was worried about (Y/N). I saw him come out of the tub screaming, I wish I could help him like Namjoon does, but Namjoon loves him, not me. I let out a sigh and lay down on my own bed. "If there was a way to be with you, so I could show you what I can offer as well" I mumble to myself as I hug my pillow, pretending it's (Y/N). 

"Soon the apocalypse will come, and our battle with Michael.... I hope none of us die..." 

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