Ch. 22 - 4 O'Clock

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A few years had passed since everyone got their memories back. Thing's had been relatively peaceful for a while. 

Namjoon was still the supreme of the Warlock's, but now he had helped from Y/N who everyone knew was a different kind of supreme. Someone who could be even more powerful than both the Warlock's and Witches' supreme combined. 

Jin was still part of the Witches council, he however spent more time training now that he had stopped teaching at the school. He had trained Jimin to replace him as the new teacher of Potion Making, and Conjuration at the school. 

Jimin was now a teacher, and a very well respected one at that. After regaining his memories he became more confident in his skills making him a very powerful warlock. 

Hoseok was still a teacher, and still as cheerful as ever even though he had his memories back. He was still highly seeked to join the council but he still doesn't like the idea of being part of it. 

Yoongi was still a part of the council, but had stopped teaching at the school. He used his extra time to research who the next antichrist might be, and try to stop him as early as possible. He trained Taehyung to be his replace who actually surprised him as to how adept he had become in the recent years. 

Taehyung now was a teacher, and a pretty well loved and respected one at that. His powers had grow quite a bit, and faster than expected. Seeing what had happened if he didn't apply himself had caused so many to die put a fire in him to be the best that he could be. 

Jeongguk was now part of the council. He was highly seeked seeing how powerful he was, and he gladly accepted. He was glad to have his memories back because that made him more humble, and more compassionate towards others. 

In was now the fall of 2025. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in October. Everyone had gathered in their seats. The sunset in the background had cause the sky to turn into a beautiful orange sky. The small breeze causing a few leaves to fly off the trees. Taehyung, Jimin, Jeongguk, Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi were standing at the altar as the music started. 

"Watch Namjoon trip" Taehyung mumbled causing everyone to chuckle. 

Namjoon heard the music, he knew it was his turn. He took a deep breath before taking his first stept. The tall supreme felt like a little boy at the moment. His heart beating faster than ever, he was nervous but also so sure about his decision. 

As he walked down the isle he could feel everyone's eyes on him, there was only one thing on his mind at the moment "Don't trip". Unfortunately for him Yoongi could read his mind, and cause the other to break into giggles. 

Namjoon continued to walk as he tried to ignore his best friend laughing at him. He let out a sigh of relief as he finally made it to the altar, accident free. 

After about five minutes of waiting Y/N finally showed up. Y/N was wearing a white suit with a really long cape, a gold crown decorated with blue sapphires. 

Y/N slowly looked up to see the other male standing at the end of the altar, his black tuxedo, his cape, and gold crown with red rubies. It all was like a fairytale to him. Y/N took a deep breath before he started to walk, the only thing he focused on was Namjoon. His lover, his fiancee, his soon to be husband. 

He couldn't help but smile as he got closer to the older. His eyes started to swell up with emotions, soon they were filled up with tears. Tears of happiness, to finally be with the one he loved, to be with his soulmate, to the one who was willing to sacrifice anything to save him. 

Soon he was standing in front of Namjoon who pulled him into a hug "Why are you crying silly, this is supposed to be our happiest day" Namjoon spoke softly 

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