Twilight thief

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"I like playing thieves."
-Pierce Brosnan.

"I recognize in thieves, traitors and murderers, in the ruthless and the cunning, a deep beauty."

"All that you are is all that I will ever need."
-Ed Sheeran.

"-Ed Sheeran

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This chapter Is dedicated to Wattpad IwaloyeOla mheemarhjay Iremiide Jenivalwrites William Shakespeare kvrqsau

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This chapter Is dedicated to Wattpad IwaloyeOla mheemarhjay Iremiide Jenivalwrites William Shakespeare kvrqsau

This is the third chapter I'm editing today, and trust me when I say I'm excited about it. I hope you enjoy, vote and comment on this chapter.

The song suggestion for this chapter is shape of you by Ed Sheeran.


After gymnastics is lunch. After such a hectic class. We headed to the cafeteria and sat at our regular table.

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