Pretty hurts

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"I say I love myself, and they are like, 'oh my gosh' she's so brave. She is so political. For what? All I said is 'i love myself, bitch!"

"So the question is, which boulder are you going to choose to roll? 'The must lose weight boulder' or the 'fuck you I will boldly and defiantly accept the body I've got and live in it boulder?"
-Kate Harding.

"My weight? It is what it is. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow. It's about being content. And sometimes other priorities win."
-Melissa McCarthy.

"You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens."
-Louise Hay.

"-Louise Hay

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Well, hello, hello

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Well, hello, hello. Trust y'all are doing good.

I will be dedicating this chapter to Wattpad Diana_Simpson phaylen hottiesoftie IwaloyeOla mheemarhjay Iremiide Nozie08 RuthieBalo

The song suggestions for this chapter are confident by Demi Lovato and pretty hurts by Beyonce.

"I still think the movie, house of cards is better than God of thrones," Ian argued with all vigour as he face depicted all ounce of seriousness.

"I strongly disagree." Mike butted in and shook his head in negativity. "Boardwalk empire is much more doper than the afro mentioned ones." He insisted pushing his way through the flock of students that flocked the hallway with us walking side by side.

"You guys suck at picking out good movies, gosh!" Eric groaned and facepalmed before resting his hand on my shoulder. "The last kingdom is one of the greatest movies of all time. But you both are too lame to acknowledge it. Or don't you think so tomboy?" He perused drawing my cheeks and waiting for me to prove them wrong.

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