Chapter Sixteen

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Spencer sits on the couch, again, there is not much more she can do at this point. So most days she sits in front of the tv or doing research for her brothers, which keeps her connected to hunting and her brothers, which she loves, so it's not all bad. Tony is still sticking to his weekly visits, and they've been slowly working through the to get list. Her bedroom is less hunter's more mommy's now. And she honestly doesn't mind. She smiles a little hearing the impala pull up outside. Visits from her brothers have been few and far but she's fine, she understands why, doesn't mean she doesn't miss them but still. The engine cuts out followed by the car doors opening. She's missed even those sounds. The front door opens next and she can hear her brothers talking. Dean appears in the doorway to the living room with Sam.

"Jeez, look at the size of you" Dean teases, Spencer sticks out her tongue at him. Sam sits beside her and sets his head on her shoulder.

"How're you feeling?" Sam asks her.

"Tired" she admits. "And I can't get comfy to sleep so..."

"Not long left" Sam assures her, she smiles and nods.

"Plus" Dean states sitting across from them. "It's Christmas in two days....and it will probably be the last with just the three of us" he motions to her bump. "So we make it a quiet one..." she smiles a nods.

"Not like I can do much any way" she points out.

"Where's Bobby?" Dean asks.

"In town grabbing some supplies" Spencer answers shifting slightly. "Sam, I love you, but you're really heavy" he leans up off of her.

"Sorry" he offers and helps her adjust the pillows behind her back.

"Tony not here?" Dean asks.

"He has Christmas events for work" Spencer answers. "I wasn't really expecting him to be honest....Christmas is a family thing and well...we're not family"

"I dunno, I'd say carrying his heir makes you pretty much family" Dean teases.

"Stop calling her an heir" Spencer scolds.

"If you give us the real name" Sam teases.

"I told you, it's a surprise" Spencer offers rubbing her bump.

"Does Tony know?" Sam asks, Spencer nods.

"He does, and he loves it" she answers. "But he also wanted to call her Antonia so...." Dean laughs. "Yeah...." she shakes her head. "She'd literally be Tony jr" She smiles.

"Maybe the next one" Dean teases, Spencer throws a pillow at him as he laughs.

"Trust me....there's is not going to be a next one" Spencer argues.

"Oooo Dirty Harry" Dean states as the movie starts to play on the tv. Sam kisses Spencer's head.

"I'mma get a beer, you want anything?" he asks her.

"Orange juice" she answers. "Thanks" he stands an heads into the kitchen, Spencer turns her attention to the tv, pulling the blanket around her bump.

"Are you happy, Spence?" Dean asks her, she looks to him.

"Why would you ask that?" she asks back.

" being stationary, it's....not really you, is it?" he frowns a little. "I'm just...making sure that you're doing this because you want to not because you feel you have to"

"Dean....the life we live....when will I ever get another chance?" he looks to her sadly. "I'm not like you and I'm not like Sam....I don't want one or the other....I want both. I want to be a mother. And I want to be a hunter.....I know I can do this. I know I can find a balance.....I know I can" Dean nods. "And yes...I am happy" she assures him. "Dean, I am over the freakin' moon that this is happening to me.....Of course I miss hunting....but I'm about to be a mother" he smiles. "I am happy" she assures him again then turns back to the tv. Dean watches her a moment, kind of believing her and kind of not.


Spencer wakes knowing there is someone watching her but she knows it isn't in danger. She shifts slightly in her bed and covers her eyes with her arm to block out the sun.

"Hey, beautiful" she snaps her head around to find Tony leaning in her doorway.

"What are you doing here?" she asks trying to hide how happy she is about him turning up. She leans up onto her elbows.

"Well....I figured if I was going to spend Christmas with anyone, it was going to be with my daughter and her mother" he answers.

"She's not even here yet" Spencer argues touching her bump.

"Early start" he offers with a smile, she looks to him. "Come on, it's Christmas day" he teases lightly. Spencer sits up and turns to climb out of bed. "You need a hand?" he offers, she looks over her shoulder and shoots him a look.

"No" she argues and the pushes herself up to her feet. He moves towards her anyway, she shoots him another look, he shrugs a little. She turns to him an takes a breath.

"Can I?" he asks holing his hands either side of her bump, she nods and he places his hands on her.

"It's early which means she'll be getting comfy any minute..."

"Oh" Tony breaths feeling her move, Spencer smirks.

"Now" she finishes, he looks down at her bump and smiles. He looks so amazed and so in awe of it that it aches in her heart. Part of it is that she's lying to him, all the time lying to him, and part of it is that this is it, she's the mother of his child and that might be all they are. He smiles and leans back.

"We should...before your brother drink all the eggnog" he teases a little and starts to leave.

"Tony.." Spencer starts, he stops and turns to her.

"Yes?" he asks, she stares a moment before shaking her head.

"It's nothing, it can wait" she answers with a small smile. He raises an eyebrow and then heads out of the room. She'd been talking herself into talking to him about their relationship for weeks now, and every time she brings it up she bottles it. She likes Tony, and she knows that they shouldn't be in a relationship just for their child. But she wants to at least say they tried. That they weren't just some one night stand that ended in a child. 

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