Chapter Thirty Three

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Spencer pauses in the doorway to the balcony overlooking Sydney, it's been almost two months since they left the states after Christmas and the new year, Rio, Lima and Marrakesh are behind them. Things have been a little better since they talked about how difficult this is. Spencer's paused because she can hear Tony talking to Trinity. And she doesn't want to disrupt their father-daughter bonding. With how protective Spencer has been with Trinity even she has to admit that Tony's been a little left out. Spencer just wants to get as much time in as she can before.....before her own bad decisions come back to bite her in the ass.....actually bite her in the ass. She turns her attention to her husband and child.

"You know, me and you, kiddo, we're going to alright" Tony tells Trinity, his fingers brushing over her chubby little cheek. "Your mother's got us covered in case I screw up too much....which...come on" he smirks a little. "I'm gonna screw up" she stares up at him, hooked on his every single word. "But....I promise I'll be there" he looks to his daughter. "Whatever you need, whatever you want.....whenever" he gives her a smile. "It's going to be okay" he assures her. Trinity holds out her arms to Tony and he smiles lifting her up into his lap. "We've got it, right, princess?" he asks her as she smiles at him. "Yeah, we do" he nods and sniffles. He turns Trinity around to look at the view beyond them. "We'll do this again too" he whispers. "Me and You...we'll travel, we'll come back....when you're old enough to remember...." Tony wipes his cheek and shakes his head. "Maybe in 10 years" he nods to himself stroking her back a little. "We'll come back and redo all of this" she turns back at him and smiles wider. "We're going to brave" he whispers to her, Trinity reaches up and clasps his face. "Because it's going to be me and you for a long time" he adds. "And you're gonna be smart, obviously" he smiles. "And beautiful, my god you are going to be beautiful and I am going to be so screwed dealing with teenage you" she pats his cheeks and he chuckles a little. "And you have no idea what I am talking about" he leans closer and kisses her forehead. "My beautiful little princess" he whispers pulling back. Spencer retreats into the hotel room wiping at her cheeks. Tony twirls Trinity's hair around his finger. "You know...First time I saw your mother...I knew, deep down inside I knew. She was the most beautiful woman in that bar, and reading an engineering book, oh baby girl, I just...I fell so hard" Spencer turns back to the balcony to listen to him. "She had bite and sass and this, this smirk.....and I know she thinks that I only married her because of this deal thing, and because of you....I would have anyway, hell I would have 2 years ago" He kisses Trinity's cheek. "I don't believe in soulmates or true love or any of that....but it's harder to deny it when I'm with your mother" Tony looks to his watch and smiles. "Well look at that...It's officially midnight" Tony comments. "In the states" he amends and then smiles broadly at Trinity. "Happy 1st birthday, princess" Trinity smiles back at him. Spencer steps onto the balcony to make herself known.

"Hey" Spencer states putting on a sleepy demeanour. Tony looks up at her and smiles.

"Hey, beautiful" he greets back. "Did I wake you?" she shakes her head at her.

"What are you two doing out here?" Spencer asks rubbing at her eye.

"We were just discussing the finer points of Tesla's theory of free energy" Tony answers, Spencer smile a little letting him pull her down to join him and Trinity.

"I bet the one year old had plenty of opinions" she teases slightly leaning forward to kiss Trinity's cheek. "Happy birthday, sweetheart" she states warmly. Tony rubs Spencer's back as she leans back and into his side, he kisses her head and holds her close to him. "This will be it" Spencer whispers. "Her first and last birthday I will ever get to celebrate" Tony closes his eyes and shakes his head.

"We're still working on it" she turns to him and shakes her own head.

"No, no you can't...Sam"

"Will be fine" he argues. "We'll figure something else out" he strokes her cheek. "But right now...we're all trying to save you and we will find a way, I promise you" he closes his eyes hiding the waver in his voice, because even his hope is dwindling. He strokes her arm. "I love you" Tony tells her. "You know that, right?" she nods, remembering his conversation with Trinity, as if his feelings for her were ever in doubt.

"Yeah" she assures him with a smile. "I know" she nods, cups his cheek to brush her thumb under his eye. "Baby, I love you too" he smiles and nods.


"Little princess is fast asleep" Tony tells her crawling into bed, his arms instantly wrapping around her. She hums a little snuggling into him, despite the Australian heat. "Hey" she lifts her head to look at him. "Did I ever thank you?" he asks her, she raises an eyebrow.

"For what?" she counters, he shrugs.

"Trinity" he answers. "Marrying me. Existing. Pick one. Pick all of them"

"Tony" she starts, he kisses her forehead.

"Hey, I can thank my wife" he assures her. "I realised I don't tell you enough, and I don't want you dying thinking that this was because of your deal..." she touches his chest. "I asked you to marry me because I love you and that's that, deal or no deal I would have asked you...." her eyes start to mist up slightly. "I am here with you, right now, and every day before this....because I love you, nothing more, nothing less....because it is you" he leans closer and kisses her, pouring every inch of that emotion into it. She pushes at his shirt and he lets her pull it from him, his hands return to her, pushing up her own shirt. Their lips moulded together. He moves to settles in the space between her legs. He wants to show her how much he loves her.

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