Harry Potter [Harry X Reader]

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Imagine heading to breakfast one morning and finding notes scattered all over your breakfast area. You think nothing of them until you spot the box where more notes reside- the box being addressed to you. The mystery snowballs and all your friends take great pleasure in reading the "love notes" and figuring out who your secret admirer is.

Requested by WriterGirlme. It's not everything you wanted, but I did what I could.

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Arm in arm with Luna, the two of you practically skip down the halls towards breakfast. Trusting the eccentric blonde, you keep your eyes closed while yawning as you follow her lead. You had never been a morning person before finding out you were a witch, and to this day in your Sixth Year you still have trouble waking up.

"Ravenclaw plays Gryffindor today," Luna suddenly muses. "Will you wear a lion hat with me?"

Your lips twitch. "Does it roar?"

"Do you really have to ask?"

"Merlin I love your creations. Of course I'll wear one."

"Thank you." A few moments pass and then, "Eyes open or the nargles will happily trip you down the stairs."

As you open your eyes, you find Ginny and Neville rounding the corner from the opposite way, talking and laughing. "Hey, little red. Nev." You greet. "How are you two always so chipper this early in the morning?"

"Food," they say in unison.

Your nose scrunches up. "I love food as much as the next person, but I rather wake up to eat it at lunch time. Or have a party and eat snacks all through the night, not wake up at the arse crack of dawn."

Neville splutters. "Arse- what?"

Ginny laughs. "Muggle saying. Come on, Longbottom, keep up. We've known Y/N for how long now? You should be used to her muggleborn slang."

"Urgh. I hate mornings. Why are there so many stairs?" You complain as you take it one step at a time. Your friends all laugh at your misfortune and the moment you're off the stairs Neville is quick to catch you by the arm to keep you from dramatically collapsing. You sigh. "You just couldn't let me injure myself, could you? I could've napped in the infirmary."

When the four of you get to the Great Hall, Neville and Ginny drag you and Luna towards Gryffindor's table. Everyone usually sticks to their own House table, but you and Luna were the exceptions who enjoyed eating your meals with the lions.

Neville and Luna split off from you and Ginny, they sitting across the table from you. As Ginny pushes you down onto the bench, you grumble at her before staring forward. "Not only am I awake earlier than I wish to be, but now I gotta clean up my area too? You Gryffindors are a messy bunch."

There's a shoe box turned on it's side, spilling it's contents right in front of you. The crumpled pieces of parchment have been smoothed out and then folded, and you don't give it a second thought before you attempt to sweep it all aside.

"Wait!" Neville stalls you. "The box is addressed to you."


Luna smiles, she righting the box and turning it so you can read the lid that has your name written across it. "Y/N," she reads off. "And there are even more notes inside."

"Notes?" You glance at the pieces of parchment, watching as Ginny plucks one up off the table and unfolds it. "They're notes?"

"I didn't get to speak with Y/N today, but we all watched as she pushed Neville into the Lake," Ginny reads. "She has a really great laugh. Merlin this is adorable."

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