Who's That Sexy Thang~

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The whole time I was in his house, he mothered me. He wouldn't let me do anything and had me stay there for most of the day. All I did was watch the ceiling, what else could I do without doing anything? Diver was acting weird, like everything is going wrong and that I was about to die or something, he acted like he had to like his life depended on taking care of my state of health. Finally Diver was able to rest for a little while, then we both didn't have to worry a thing.


"Aloha?! ALOHA!" I could only remembered how he looked when he was fainting in turf war. He first stood their paralyzed as stone, his eyes were widening, sweating monstrously. His legs give up holding him, he staggers to the nearest wall and sunk down, his hands shaking and the grip he had with his weapon loosens, he drops the weapon. More shaking, more eye widening, more sweating. I walked over to him to see if he was fine, then one of the members from the opposing team was attacking behind him. Of course I splat them right away then checked on Aloha. I watch as his heavily eyelids droop down and he was slowly falling over. "Aloha?! Aloha!" I tried shaking him awake, man I should of listened to him when he said he couldn't go, or that he didn't feel good. The match was about to end so last minute I threw a suction bomb. It explodes as the match ends. Before we could even make sure Aloha didn't physically die we were transported out of Port Mackerel. "Army what happened to Aloha?" Mask wonders as we were ushered out. "I don't know, he probably passed out from..." I trailed off watching everyone stare at us. Whispering things we shouldn't be hearing, lies, rumors. "From what?" Mask tried getting back my attention. "Ohh...! He uh... didn't feel right this morning he told me," I explain remember what I was talking about. "Why couldn't he just say that he wasn't feeling up to it to the rest of us, we wouldn't have to do turf war," Skull sighs.

"He kept murmuring about not letting us down or something like that," I shrug. "Poor Aloha, he's been pushing himself too hard lately..." Mask sighs, it's rare but sweet to know if Mask cares. "What do you think they're doing with him now? To make everyone leave?" Skull wondered. "Beats me, as long as he's fine..." I worryingly sigh. Hopefully, he's in the right hands, or at least safe. "Hey Army, we're gonna grab something to eat, wanna come along?" Skull invites me. "Yeah, I guess I'm a little hungry..." I shrug, which was partially true. The three of us of the S4 ate at Crusty Sean's, which surprisingly was busy. Back when we always went to the Plaza he was a shoe merchant, used to be popular but then people were sick of looking at the same shoes and never came. I only got a drink, Mask and Skull went all out and grabbed a large meal. It's fascinating how Skull can eat so many sweets, and not get fat, or get cavities. And without removing his bandana off of his face. Same goes to Mask, but he doesn't eat as much sweets. It's just so extraordinary how they live, with me on the other hand I'm so plain and boring. I felt myself starting to grow bored and left the table without question. Shockingly neither of the two noticed or cared.

I wonder if they just took Aloha home, and I can't figure why my head is so wrapped up around Aloha, I don't know just something about him. His very flirty, bright and sunny behavior, his sharp magenta eyes that just intimidates anybody, and his nice creamy tan skin. Every time I think of anything Aloha related, I don't know it just brightens me up. I feel this rush of happiness that I don't want to let go of. "WATCH OUT!" Someone pulls me back, I almost just walked into the rode to get hit with millions of running cars. I turn to see Forge holding onto me. "Everything okay Army? You look rushed," Forge asks with her amber eyes gleaming. "Everything is alright, just lost in thought... you know me," I nervously chuckle. "Typical Army I guess, where you headed to?" Forge let's go of me and normally sparks a conversation. "Wherever the wind takes me I guess..." I trail off and the bus to mine and Aloha's neighborhood shows up. "Anyway, the wind told me to take the bus, so I'll see you later Forge," I start to board on, and waved back to her. I took my seat by the window, my favorite spot.

It usually takes only 20 minutes or so to get to the neighborhood, but because of traffic being terrible we were on the road for hours, even the sun started setting. All I did was stayed on my phone, skimming through my notifications. My eyes started to grow tired too, guess today was pretty long. The traffic finally started moving and we got to the neighborhood. I thank the bus driver and exited the bus, letting it drive away with one less person. Might as well check on Aloha right now, I start pacing to his house, I was eager to see if he was alive. The sunset about passed fast l as I turned into the block and I heard miraculous laughter. I kept walking anyway, and I see two figures at the nearby park.

"Wait *hic* Wait Wait, *hic* sayyyyy that againnnnn~" a familiar voice giggles. "I mixed up whisky with medicine," another familiar voice irritably sighs. The two were none of their than Aloha and Diver. Aloha was laying down and laughing on the concrete like a lunatic with Diver facepalming. Stupid Diver, how in the hell did he mix up medicine with whisky?! "Aloha," I walked over to the two. Diver whips to me while Aloha was still just cackling loudly. "Oh uh... hi there... um... Army, is it?" Diver awkwardly waves. "Explain to me, why is Aloha drunk?" I wondered with my eyes starting to twitch. Suddenly arms wrapped around me, "Wooooah, who's *hic* this sexy thang?~ Damn you look *hic* like a snacc~" Aloha giggles flirtatiously. My face felt steamy hot. "Well uh.... you see... I may of... mixed up medicine with... whiskey..." Diver nervously chuckles. "How in the hell do you mix them up?!" I cringe, but my heart was going million miles a microsecond. "They looked the same okay!" Diver spurts. "Mmm~ you're sooo fine, you can splatter *hic* me anytime~" Aloha giggles more.

"Aloha, I'm taking you home," I say and trying to forget that flirtatious remark. "oooOooh, tAkinG me HomE hE saId," Aloha jumps on top of me which luckily I caught him. I continued walking him home, and myself home.

Send help

Jk I'm fine.... I think
Well here's the second chapter I guess
Hope you enjoy~


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